message 6

1.8K 97 57

lwtoml: neil

lwtoml: null

lwtoml: pull

lwtoml: wheres my best pal @

niwhore: isnt it best friend why am i only best pal

lwtoml: excuse u best pAl is the upgraded version of best friend

niwhore: what about best bud

lwtoml: best bud is like

lwtoml: "you're not my best friend but i dont want to hurt your feelings so im calling you best bud not friend or pal"

niwhore: brb gotta punch some people

lwtoml: you're too twinky for that you cant hurt a butterfly take a seat


lwtoml: lol ok whatever makes you sleep at night pal

niwhore: dont lol me you whore

lwtoml: you have the word whore in the username thing why am i now a whore

niwhore: are you a tom now

lwtoml: well i am louis tomlinson so basically yeah

niwhore: smh okay

lwtoml: im going to the store should i bring my phone and walk or

niwhore: yES

lwtoml: can i drive please

niwhore: no texting and driving

lwtoml: you're so sAfe and shizu like that

niwhore: 1. what the fuck is a shizu and 2. we've been talking for around 5 or 4 months lou yOu know how i am

lwtoml: when i was 7 i used that word bc i wanted to curse but not curse curse uknow

niwhore: i feel u

lwtoml: touch mi bodi

lwtoml: feel mi bodi

niwhore: go to the store lameass

lwtoml: huffs fine

lwtoml: its really close so it'll take only a few minutes okay?

niwhore: okay

3 hours later

niwhore: louis?

niwhore: are you there?

lwtoml: oh yeah

lwtoml: i have great news !!! c:

niwhore: yay good news !! what is it :-)

lwtoml: i have a boyfriend! he asked me out and i said yes im so happyy

lwtoml: hes been my crush forever. his name is jackson and he's so perfect ohmygosh

niwhore: oh

niwhore: great.

niwhore: i guess

lwtoml: hes calling me, i gotta go. talk to you later niall! byee

niwhore: bye

is it obvious i had no clue what to write

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