message 8

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when you hold me in the street, and you kiss me on the dance floor. i wish that it could be like that. why can't it be like that? cause i'm yours.

it's been about a week since niall bothered to talk to louis. he just sat on his bed, not sleeping, just staring at a wall, thinking of the boy. the boy who is now taken by someone that isn't him. he felt so sad and barely talked to liam, as well. he knew exactly why he was acting like this and despised it all.

he felt his phone vibrate and glanced at the device, making a face as louis' name popped up on the screen. louis has been trying to get in contact with niall again, but niall never looked at the messages. he thought it was kinda rude and it was hard to do, so he decided to do something.

"liam?" niall called out, and liam popped in the room with a smile.

"haven't talked in a while, huh? what's up?" liam wondered, sitting next to niall, happy to talk to his best friend again.

"could you click louis' messages for me? i don't want to." niall explained simply, shrugging as he gave liam his phone. liam glanced at niall and then at the phone before making a confused face.

"but.. why?"

"i just want you to tell him i don't want to talk to him. i'm not feeling it. ever." niall said, and began to stare at the wall again. liam sighed, and scrolled through the messages for a second before making wide eyes.

"uhh, niall? you might want to read this." liam said, handing the phone to niall.

lwtoml: i broke up with johnson.

lwtoml: i couldn't handle this silence from you. i know it's because of him.

lwtoml: i can get another boyfriend. he barely talks to me anyways. i guess i didn't have real feelings for him.

lwtoml: i definitely have feelings for someone else.

lwtoml: but either way.

lwtoml: please talk to me, niall

lwtoml: i miss you so much, please come back.

lwtoml: im so fucking sorry, niall.

niall stared at the messages, not knowing what to say before he choked out some words.

"h-he broke up with a boy he liked..." niall trailed off, trying to connect the pieces. "f-for me?"

"yes, for you. i suggest talking to him again. breaking up with someone for your best friend is a big deal. that shows he truly cares, niall. this is just breaking him even more," liam explained, picking up a chocolate bar from niall's counter. niall didn't mind, like he usually did, 'hence he was obviously distracted by louis' confession. "who knows what he'll do next?"

niwhore: holy fuck louis

niwhore: you didn't have to break up with him for me

lwtoml: yOU repleid

lwtoml: oh my gosh niall i mISSE DYIOU SO MCUH

lwtoml: please never ever ever do that again oh my fuck

lwtoml: and like i said, i have my eyes on someone else

niwhore: i won't

niwhore: and who?

lwtoml: even if you don't know him, i'm not chancing it.

lwtoml: but i have a feeling you do know him.

niwhore: did you tell harry?

lwtoml: nice try, but no.

lwtoml: he's begging me, but i'm ignoring him by talking to you, so.

lwtoml: by the way, harry said he knows your best pal/roommate liam?

niwhore: he dOes ??

niwhore: when the fuck did liam get a kik what the shit

niwhore: but i guess so. why?

lwtoml: i wanna meet him. he sounds like a nice guy.

niwhore: maybe tomorrow. it's 11:28, im going to sleep, g'night

lwtoml: holy shit it is

lwtoml: goodnight love, sweet dreams x






so i decided to add chapters to a few chapters idk

i have mixed feelings about this one though

but oh well

im too lazy to write an a-c-t-u-a-l book

but im making one

i like it

so yeah

uM im happy you guys like this book ?? i really love reading the comments fhdskhassa it makes me sO happy i love you guys

pleasepleaseplease comment if you like this book

and um, comment "nouis is life" if you read this all ??

im sO uncreative

is that a word

it is now

pceee x

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