message 18

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group chat with: amazinglyharry and liamtrayne.

** "LIAM BOLTON" has added "i'm not zany it just rhymes" in the chat!

zanyzayn: why the fuck am i here again

liamtrayne: because we must discuss the important things in life

amazinglyharry: he means we have to talk about nouis again

liamtrayne: u guessed it

amazinglyharry: wHOO

zanyzayn: shut up im crying why no stop thats old stop no no NO.

liamtrayne: whispers

liamtrayne: u was right....

zanyzayn: i will leave


zanyzayn: well talk wtf

liamtrayne: ok look

liamtrayne: everyone knows those two boys are highkey homo

liamtrayne: and they rEally need to date

liamtrayne: like now

amazinglyharry: well duh

zanyzayn: your point is...?

liamtrayne: tomorrow

liamtrayne: the day when everyone meets

liamtrayne: we have to make it special

liamtrayne: it has to be perfect.

zanyzayn: what do we do ??

amazinglyharry: are we setting them up or ??

liamtrayne: we're gonna get them together

liamtrayne: i'll explain when you both get here, yeah ??

zanyzayn: i better not have to move too much lmao no thnx

zanyzayn: they'll end up dating anyway

amazinglyharry: i actually dont think so

amazinglyharry: they are wAy too shy and probably think "oMG HE DOESNT LIKE ME !! HE ONLY THINKS OF ME AS A FRIEND !!"

amazinglyharry: when in reality they wanna make out with each other in the closet or something

liamtrayne: amen

zanyzayn: that was scary accurate ..

amazinglyharry: im just so smart right

zanyzayn: im not making your ego any bigger than it already is

zanyzayn: gOodbye i am gone see you tomorrow losers !!

liamtrayne: until tOMORROW !

zanyzayn: leave

amazinglyharry: bye !!


this is basically part 2 of the last chapter but the next will be interesting !! i promise !!

do you want more zayn, harry, and liam chats ??

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