Chapter 4

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~Never could I breathe love if I did not first learn to inhale a little bit of chaos.

I stood at the first step of the building in front of me and stared. The Callaghan. 

The famed and eminent golden building stood tall in front of me, with its exterior intimidating me.

I shrugged off the hostile feeling, emanating from the big edifice. I rounded my shoulders and climbed up the last step, taking in a deep breath.

I held in a gasp as I stared at the interior of the Hotel. People were buzzing about doing their things, a lot of people were standing at the reception maybe making bookings or verifying them. I continued my standing exploration of this exquisite place by looking at the huge chandelier hanging above my head. 

People in formal and business attire were everywhere and I looked down at my choice of outfit and grimaced. I should have borrowed something from Daphne, but then I thought that maybe the head or whoever he maybe, might just look at me and tell me to get the hell out of here. I sighed contentedly at the thought and relaxed a little.

I walked towards the reception area and tried to locate a relatively empty counter. I found one and marched towards there. The lady behind the counter greeted me warmly and asked, "What can I help you with ma'am?"

"Um, I am an intern here and was called by Mr. William Callaghan," I spoke, unsure.

"Oh yes!" she exclaimed, "the fifteen interns. You can go to the tenth floor, ma'am. There, Mrs. Amelia will explain everything to you," she finished off.

I nodded my head and moved towards the elevator, got in and pressed the button for tenth floor. Phew! I wiped an imaginary bead of sweat across my forehead and grinned. So far so good. But I was soon reminded of the work that I would have to do. I was not even sure that I would even get this job in the end. Internship was all good and well, but will I be able to get the real job? I thought about it and shook my head. No, not happening. I sighed and got out of the the elevator, taking in the sight before me.  This floor was titled 'Main Office' and I realised that it was only for the Hotel Staff.

As I walked a little more, I saw that there was a group of people huddled together with a lady standing in the middle, probably Mrs. Amelia, speaking something. Oh no! I was late. Others were already here. I almost ran to the group and stood behind, trying to peep from the gaps of the tall people.

"Yeah, so as I was saying you'll be all training here for two months and then Mr. Callaghan will be choosing a  few of you who will work here permanently," she said in an almost ending way. Great! I'd missed most of the announcements. Way to go June, I grunted annoyingly to myself. 

Noticing that the orientation was over, the group separated. I drooped my shoulders and turned to go and sit on one of the couches, when I saw her. I froze mid step and slowly turned myself back again. I ploddingly gazed to where she was standing. She had her back turned to me and only a little side view of her could be seen. To clear my doubt, of whether it was really her, I stealthily moved to the window by the opposite wall. Praying, to whoever was listening above, that it shouldn't be her, I turned and took a final look at the person. No one listened. It really was her. Closing my eyes as if to save all that was left of my energy, I took a deep breath and exhaled it, ready to make myself known.

I marched to where she was standing with a group of people. She's just been here for less than an hour and she's already made an influencing image of herself. I smiled to myself at the thought of meeting her again, a warm feeling settling in my gut. 

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