It Started at the Morgue (Part 1)

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I've always had this fascination for hospitals and everything that has to do with the dark side of medicine. I've wanted to work in a hospital for several years but I knew that wasn't my true calling, I prefer the arts.

One day I went to the hospital here in town to visit a friend who had broken her leg due to a rock climbing accident. I stopped by the local store and bought her some flowers of different types. After entering the hospital I made my way down the hall and to her room. She was awake, laying there watching the TV and I didn't pay attention to what was on it.

Upon entering she smiled widely with more enthusiasm of my visit than of whatever was playing on the TV. She turned it off and welcomed me. I said hello back, smiling at her and presented the flowers. Her face lit up bright red and she awed. She took them from me and smelled them closing her eyes and whispered thank you. I was there for quite some time. We talked about each others day, and what plans I had for her once her leg finally healed. Soon after, the nurse came in and gave her some morphine for the pain in her leg. It didn't take too long for her to fall asleep. I said my good bye's and walked out.

Halfway down the hall, I overheard two doctors say something about a couple of dead bodies that were convulsing. I thought that's just not possible, those bodies were dead and most likely put into a freezer before examination. Out of curiosity, I decided to venture down the stairs and into the morgue.

A couple of people saw me but didn't ask any questions. When they weren't

looking I made my way into the morgue itself. It was sectioned off into two different parts. But not matter which way you look, gurneys were placed about with bodies on top that were covered with white sheets. I saw one doctor examine one of the bodies but didn't really get a close look.

To my left, I heard a slight shifting sound. I looked and noticed one of the bodies slowly twitching, my eyes opened widely and I slowly backed up. I had to remind myself sometimes these things happen. The doctor that was examining the body went to a table to clean off the surgical tool he was using. I turned away for two seconds before I heard a loud scream. The doctor fell to his knees clutching his neck, blood was pouring from the wound. He fell on his side and twitched violently, gasping for breath before coming to a stop. Then I saw the attacker, the corpse that was on the table was standing over the dead doctor, slowly chewing the flesh it had ripped off. It's stomach was slit wide open and it slowly turned and faced me.

I couldn't believe the horror in front of me. I quickly turned around and ran for the exit. I ran past two nurses, and heard their shoes squeaking on the floor indicating they turned around to look at me, I didn't bother to look back until I heard one of them scream. The corpse had one pinned to the wall and began to eat at her left cheek. Before I could look straight ahead, my foot tripped on something and I fell into a wall and knocked a shelf over, having it land on top of me and knocking me out.

I woke up to what must have been an hour or so later, I slowly tried to stand up using what strength I could to move the shelf away. Upon standing up I was confronted with horror I wish I'd have never seen. The two nurses were dead, flesh ripped from their faces, necks and torsos. Blood was smeared on the walls and floor, lights were flickering making it hard to see.

Several doors were closed with objects blocking them. I heard a muffled scream coming from a far off direction. Then I remembered Sarah, "Oh god, I have to find her!" I hurried back to her room as quickly and quietly as I could. More bodies were laying about, a middle aged man was on the floor with his back against the wall. Blood surrounded his body from where his stomach had been torn into, deep scratch marks were left on his face. I noticed he slowly jerked but I didn't stay for long to see him get up.

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