Chapter 4

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When I suddenly heard a knock on the door, I quickly wiped my tears and went to go check who it was. I knew it wasn't my dad because he comes home later who could it be? I walk up to the door and open it to see LIam standing there.


"Li-Liam. What are you doing here?" I stuttered.

He found out where I live, oh just perfect (note the sarcasm.) My life just a got a lot worse.

"I came to check on you, but it looks like you're not in the mood." Liam smirked.

Great. Now he noticed my tears. Hah. He probably thinks its because i'm scared of what's going to happen now.

"Oh, I was just watching Marley and Me.." I replied truthfully. 

"Right mhmm. Well I came to deliver a message from me and the boys." he says with an evil grin forming on his face. Oh how I wish I could slap that grin right off his face.

"What?" I rpelied, a bit too rudely. 

"You better watch out from tommorow on. We know where you live and we want an explanation for what happened today." And with that said he left. Just like that. 

Well that was... interesting. Looks like im not safe at my own house anymore either. Hell i've never been safe at my house, what am I talking about. I have an abusive father. How did that slip my mind?

Speaking of the devil, here he comes.

"Dinner better be ready by the time I come back down. I have some work to finish." And with that, he walks up the stairs and into out home office.

Well, looks like i'm making spagetti for dinner today. Thanks mum for teaching me to cook before you left! I put some spagetti in a pot of boiling water and let it cook while I got the sauce ready.Soon the italian dish was ready to be served.

"Dinner's ready dad!" I yelled. I hope he heard me. It's already 7:30 and I kinda want to be in myu room before my dad starts his dinking for the night. As I was finishing my spagetti, my wonderful father came down the stairs. I quickly washed my plate and was just about to set my foot on the first step of the stairs when he calls me.

"Yes father?" I say as nicely as I can.

"What is this?" He says while pointing to his plate.

"It's spagetti." I said with sarcasm in my voice.

"This is not spagetti! This is the worst thing i've ever eaten!" He says while getting up and lifting his plate. 

I couldn't even process what happened next. I suddenly felt shards of glass dig into my skin and sauce cover my clothes. I fell to ground in shock.

"This is shit food! And thats what happens when you serve it to me! It'll be much worse next time!" He yelled at me. You could already smell the alcohol in his breath. He slammed the front door shut as he left. 

I could barely stand up, but I knew I had to. I don't wanna still be around when he gets back. I painfully made my way upstairs and into my bathroom. I clean up my wounds as best as I could. Looks like im spending the rest og my weekend in the hopital.

As soon as I was able to walk, I grabbed my phone and started out the door to the hospital. It was late out and my coat was covering my cuts. Hopefully I won't run into trouble tonight. 

Luckily I made it there without any interuptions. I took my coat off and as soon as the front desk lady saw me she called for the doctor. 

I was currently laying down on a hospital bed. It was Sunday and I sure as hell wasn't going to be alright till tomorow so I guess my dad will have to manage on his own today. He does on other days when i'm gone.

The doctor knows me pretty well because I come here a lot and he has learned not to ask me how i ended up so beaten and bruised. I'm realyl thankful for that.

I was currently watching SpongeBob SquarePants, dont judge! I heard the doctor bring someone in to the bed next to me. No one's usually in here besides me. I always request a room alone...who could this be?

The curtains were drawn around my bed so i decided to ask when the nurse came back to check on me. She finally came after an hour or so.

"Oh dear! You'll finally have some company to talk to! He's the sweetest boy and quite handsome too." She winked. I smiled to the thought that I could finally have a friend. 

"Really? Thats great!" You could hear the excitement in my voice.

"We'll open the curtains in a while once he's ready to talk to you. Okay love?" The nurse said and then left to attend to the boy. 


Erm. Thanks for all the reads guys! almost 100! thats amazing! Sorry for the wait my laptop decided to delete the draft i made... i was so close to done with the chapter and poof. my laptop picked that day to try and be harry potter. No laptop. bad boy. ur a muggle.

the song on the side is mirrors by jt. i just really love that song so enjoi! 

Anways comment on ways to improve, vote if you liked it, and most importantly.... stay young my awkward turtles <3 

Mama Awko Taco >.<

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