Chapter 2

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~Amy's POV~

I woke up on the floor in an alley. I take a look at my scraped hands and all the events of this afternoon came flooding back to me. I stand myself up and take a step but stumble. Ugh. At least i'm close to home.

I walk to my house, checking every now and then to make sure I have no followers. My house is my only sanctuary away from those boys. I walk in and see my dad, angry as hell, waiting for me.

"Where were you?" Dad screams at me.

"I got late at school!" I yell while running up the stairs to my bedroom and locking the door. The last thing I needed was to get another beating and this time from my dad. 

I walk straight to the bathroom to asess my injuries. My right eye and cheek were all swollen and starting to bruise, not bad, I can cover it up with makeup. My stomach was bruised black and blue, nothing new there. And lastly, my shins were bleeding. Hmm. I can wrap that up.

I dedide to take a shower. I peeled of my clothes and hopped in. I let the warm water run over me and relax. I quickly wash my hair with my favorite strawberry shampoo and get out of the shower. i wrap a towel around me and walk to my closet. I put on some sweats and start my homework.

I probably fell asleep because the next thing I knew my alarm was going off. 

I took a shower and covered up my bruises with makeup. Today is a Saturday so Hallelujah!! I slowly open my door and peek out to make sure the coast is clear. I don't want to see my dad unless it's necessary.

Since its a saturday, I decide to go to the nearby park. It's always quiet and serene. There's also a patch of trees in the far left corner where I have my secret hideout. A small clearing in the middle where I can relax or just get away from reality. 

And thats exactly what I do. As soon as I get there I climb up the big maple tree and go up real high. I find a stong brach and lay back to relax. As I sat there cloud watching time flew by.I started hearing some voices of to the distance. As minute by minute passed, the voices got louder and louder, closer and closer. 

I climb a bit higher so that I'm out of view to anyone, covered by the leaves, just in time too. I suddenly see the people I've so eager to avoid today walk into the little clearing. 

"Hahah! Did you see the look on that kid's face?" Zayn says cracking up.

"It was hilarious! He was practically begging us not to bully him today."Liam says gasping for air.

"Well its not like we know where Amy lives so we could just bully her all the time." Harry snickers.

Just at that moment my foot slipped a bit making an unplesasant sound. I could only pray that they were too caught upin thier laughter to hear it. I saw their faces flick up to where I was and was glad that they couldn't see me. 

"I think someone's following us boys." I hear Niall say. 

"Do you think someone's up in one of the trees spying on us or something?" Louis questions. 

"We better check in case someone is. Chack all of the trees guys." Niall says.

Well looks like I'm gonna have to see them earlier than I would have liked. I really hope they won't hurt me as bad this time. I'm still sore from yesterday. I can see Louis getting closer and closer to the maple tree I'm in. He looks up from underneath and sees my shoes poking out from the leafy foilage. Thank the gods he didn't see my face.

"Well well well. Boys I found our little follower. She's up in this tree here." Louis exclaims. 


A/N aaahhhhh my second chapter already!! I'm gonna be having slow updates sorry about that but school is going to end soon and I've got some important projects to finish and stuff.

Again I'm totally new at this so please pleaseeeee leave comments or tips on how I can improve if there is any need for improvement! 

Thanks soooo much for all the reads and votes on the last chapter! It means alot! Stay wierd mah awkward turtles!! 

~Momma awko taco 

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