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i stayed up in that room all night and the next day then on Monday morning i made sure that Landon had already gone to school before i came down so that i didn't have to see him because i might just start crying again. high school is absolute hell. as soon as i drove up to the school and parked in my normal parking space i knew that i was already 15 minutes late but whatever as long as i don't have to see any of the guys. so i walked into the school and started to walk to my locker i had my music in and while i was walking i decided to start reading on of the many books on my wattpad library. so i didn't notice that leaned up against my locker is Landon, Trevor, and Scott. oh, and the fact that they all look absolutely pissed. as soon as i got to my locker i looked up and, well there they were. Ive been here for a total of 10 minutes and already i have seen the 3 people i am avoiding. of course uggggh. so i turned around so they couldn't see the tears in my eyes and i ran away.

"Wait Lil!! we need to talk to you!" Trev yelled after me. i heard footsteps following me so i ran even faster then i saw it... the girls bathroom. i looked behind me and the guys haven't rounded the corner yet so i dove into the bathroom without them noticing, well hopefully they didn't see. i just sat on the floor in the corner and began to cry. and then i remembered, shit i forgot to tell Nataya and Zandra that i cant hangout with them anymore. shit i can already feel my heart cracking in half. i have no idea what i will do with out them so i better get this over with before i chicken out. i pulled out my newly coloured and crack free iphone and opened a group chat with both Zan and Nat.

"Hey girls, umm I'm sorry but i cant hangout with you guys anymore. i don't think we can be friends anymore, i love you both my beautiful sisters from other misters but with my fight with Trevor and my break up with Scott i cant be around you guys anymore. sorry. bye." by the end of that message my face was soaked and the tissue in my hand could be wrung out so i stood up and threw it in the garbage and grabbed some more. while i was just sitting down again i heard crying out in the hallway and it sounded like it was a girl and she was coming this way so i went into a bathroom stall and stood on the seat and i heard talking and they finally came is and it broke my heart because i was looking at Zandra and Nataya both of them with tears streaming down their faces.

"I cant believe this happened again. we just lost our best friend again. as soon as we forgive her she leaves again." i heard Zan mutter to herself and that was just another gun shot to the heart.

" oh Zan you know that she never wanted to hurt us. we need to talk to Trev and Scott and see what happened." i cant believe what i just heard, Nat is still defending me. after what i just put them through she is still there for me. i just lost one of the most amazing friends i could get.

"should we answer her or something?? should we go back to class? Mrs.Clarke is going to be pissed that we both ran out of her class without permission. Lillie must be at home today because she texted us but she wasn't in class with us." Zan ranted to herself.

"Lets just find out the story before we answer her Zan, hopefully she will calm down and change her mind.and yeah we should go back to class but lets go to my locker first." Nataya tried to calm down Zandra without making Zan mad at her at the same time. then they finally walked out of the bathroom still crying while walking the opposite direction of class. so i took that time to sneak out of the bathroom and get to class before they do. as soon as i walked in the door i was stared at, i think its cause in 40 minutes late to class, although it could be because i normally curly long brown hair is pin straight and goes passed my ass and it could be because instead of my normal cheer uniform i wore a black pair of spanks with a black boob tube and a blue lace dress with a pair of baby blue converse heels. something i picked up from the mall yesterday when i picked up my phone. i decided that since I'm not going to be with the same group of people i should dress differently so when i walked into class and went to my desk at the back of the class everyone was still staring so i just snapped at them to take a picture cause it lasts longer. all the guys in class actually took me seriously and took pictures till i yelled "i was being sarcastic you pervs!!!" about 10 more minutes later Nat and Zan walked in and went to their seats when some kid, i think his name is Ryan, whispered to them to turn around and when they saw me their mouths flopped open. " close your mouths, you don't want flies in there." i said then the bell rang and i walked out while they were still gaping at me.

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