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Well, my phone is in the shop getting fixed, it wont be ready to go until tomorrow, shit what will i tell mom? she will be pissed if she finds out that i broke my phone. wait never mind she is in japan with dad for the next 3 weeks. i will just tell her that my phone died and i couldn't find my charger or something so that i wont get into more trouble then i will be after i tell Landon that i told his 2 best friends that i never wanna see them again. ugh, why is high school so shitty??

"watch what  you say sis, you dont want the maids to hear you and tell mom and dad." landon said walking in, wait i said that out loud?!? shiiiit!!

"whoops i thought i said that in my head, sorry bro. umm Landon i-i ummm well- uh??"

"what is it lillie?? Spit it out!"

"i broke up with Scott"

"awe Lil's I'm so sorry, what happened?"

"i don't wanna tell you cause it will screw up your friendship with him, I'm sorry but I'm hurting enough you don't need to hurt too!" i said as the warm tears finally spilled out of my eyes.\

"Lil, i don't give a damn about my friendship with him, and seeing you cry like this does hurt me. we are twins Lil, and as your big brother i will stick up for you now tell me what that prick did to hurt you so much!!"

"He umm well he uhh hecheatedonmeandicaughthim" i rushed out waiting for the the yelling.

"Say it a bit slower, i didn't understand that. and give me details"

"umm ok, well, umm,"

"Lil, just say it. it will feel better"

" Well i had just had a fight with Trevor and so i called Scott to try to cheer myself up and so i called and he answered and i heard him groan and a girl kept giggling in the background and then i heard her whisper and i quote 'Scott come back to bed babe' so i asked who was in the background and he said no one but him was there which was bullshit since its obvious that someone was there so i broke up with him for cheating on me, i thought i could trust him, Ive known him for most of my life and then i date him and i screwed up your guys friendship cause I'm so fucking selfish. i cant believe i actually did that. and well i kinda told Trevor that he isn't a part of my life anymore which i now regret cause i never meant to hurt you I'm sorry LAN, i love you." i said before running out of our shared bedroom up 4 flights of stairs till i got to my little princess tower that my dad built on the roof of the house. I'm so glad he put the lock on the door. so i slammed the door and locked it and just sat on the bed that i kept up there and cried my eyes out. 'well i guess i need to find a new group of people to hangout with... i guess I'm stuck with the populars or the bad asses. hm, if i go to the populars then i might get pushed away or else they will put me back on the throne as queen bee again just like last time...



It was in 8th grade i was the captain of the cheer team and i was the most popular girl in the middle school everyone wanted to be my friend and well that changed me. it made me think that i was better than everyone so the summer before freshman year i decided that i wanted to change. i was tired of having so many people think that they are my best friends when truth is i left all my best friends behind and i ditched them when i got on the cheer-team. i even stopped talking to my brother. i missed them all so much but i ruined everything. so during this summer i am going to do my very best to  fix our friendships. especially mine and Landon cause we used to be attached at the hip and now we haven't talked to each other in almost 2 years and it feels like I'm being riped apart. this is all going to change this summer i swear it with my life.

----end of FLASHBACK----


that will never happen again, i guess ill just be a loner for a while then ill find someone to be with cause the bad asses are scary shit man.


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