Let There Be Light

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"Now daughter of Eve. See. And let there be light", right after I heard those words my screams start to echo off the wall in a resounding high pitch.

It was all over me I could feel it oozing down the sides of my face and onto my jumper.

I drop to my knees and curl up in an attempt to stop the waves of pain from being there.

I hear muffled shouts and screams from a dulled distance and then everything went black.

~ Dream ~

I shake awake with a shiver running down my spine and bite my lip but to my prevail, I felt drops of my blood and gag at the taste.

I touch my canines and for the first time in my whole life (hasn't been very long but still) I can see my hand. I look up and see a mirror and.....myself.

I can see my own eyes, mouth, everything! Tears? Why are they there? It that a reaction from happiness...? I wonder. I'll have to ask Ayato when I get home. Home. I wonder what that'll look like. Probably bright and sunny! I always imagined it'll look like that. It'll be like a dream!

Wait. Where am I?

I look back at the mirror sensing someone's presence and nearly jump out of my skin looking at a beautiful purple headed woman. Is that my mommy?

???: Foolish child. I am not your mother.

My brows furrow and I try to question her but nothing comes out.

???: Everything will become clearer to you, as of know, but you will still fore see bad tidings. RUN!!!

Her screeching voice and blood dampened eyes paint an image in my head, and it's sad because it's one of the first.

Dreams. I've never had any, not for the future or during the night times. I always thought I would die before I did anything remotely by myself. I am blind after all jobs, please. Hardly even schools take blind people! I'm aging to fast that's what I heard all of the brothers talking about when they thought I was sleeping around the age of 15. They were questioning if I would ever stop aging. And truth be told I don't believe I will either.


Everything since the beginning of my life has been dark and I have a nudging feeling that my soul is, as well. Empty and hollow.

I hear voices, but I dare not open my eyes. I still see the pictures of the...?Latio had told me about them when I was 10-13 I believe it was called a...banshee...? I think that's what she was at least. She was absolutely terrifying I hope I never come into contact with something like that again.

When I squinted my eyes open and felt the last few drops of blood fall over my pale cheeks and blink at the blinding light. Why is it so white in here!?! How do they walk with this in their faces!?!

Brothers: Yui...!?!

I sit up off the couch I was rest upon and for the first time can put a face to their voices but in the next second her face flashes in my mind as I see three faces that can match up with hers.

Yui: אלוהים תשמור יחיד שלי! (God, save my sole!)

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