In a dark, dark, room...

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Leo: ...

Me: here ya go. *gives Leo skittles*

Leo: *eats skittles* SHE DOESN'T OWN ANYTHING!!!!!  RAWR!!!

Me: maybe this wasn't a good idea...

On with Da story.

Percy P.O.V

I wake up in a dark room.  I'm not sure how I got here.  Then I remember my conversation with dumb old door, and mini me.  They must've kidnapped me.  What do they have against me?!  Just cuz I have two evil grandfathers doesn't mean I'm evil.  Why did they bring me here anyway?  What if they do really bad stuff to me?

Oh no.  Speaking of really bad stuff... I FORGOT TO TELL ANNABETH WHERE I AM!!  She was going to come to my house!!  And I saw my mom leave while the wizards were talking, so she can't tell Annie.  ANNABETH IS GONNA KILL ME!!!!!  I have an idea.  I know what you're thinking, probably, "OH NO!  SEAWEED BRAIN HAS AN IDEA?!  RUN AND HIDE!" But, just trust me.  I feel the water particles in the air around me, and bring them together to form some mist.

"Oh, Fleecy, do me a solid, show me Annabeth Chase, wherever she is."  I've started doing that version since I met Fleecy.  It gives you a guaranteed connection.  I fish through my pockets, and find a drachamah (spelling?) I toss it in, and see a worried looking Annabeth, pacing her cabin.  "What you thinking about?" Annabeth turns around so fast, with her drakon bone sword in hand.  When she sees me, her eyes flare with anger.

"PERSEUS JACKSON!" I flinch when she says my full name.

"Ummm... hi?"


"I was sorta kidnapped, by some weirdos in robes, with sticks, found out I have an evil gramps named Mouldy Warts, and now I'm here." I explain, all in one breath.

"Oh gods, seaweed brain, you need to stop getting kidnapped."  Annabeth sighs.

"I'm sorry wise girl.  But how do I get out?" I ask desperately.

"I don't know, seaweed brain, just find a way out.  I know you will.  Now I gotta go teach a sword fighting lesson.  Love you."

"Love you too."  Then she swipes her hand through the mist.  Oh gods.  I'm so stupid.  I forgot that I could vapor travel. It's pretty hard though.  It takes a lot of energy.  But I try anyway.  I imagine myself turning into vapor, and getting out of this room.  I concentrate for a little bit, then I feel myself turn into water vapor, and I appear in a kitchen, with a long table.  I know it's the same house as the dark room.

I look in the fridge, grab an Apple, then sit down and zone out.  These chairs are much more comfortable than that hard floor in the room.  I don't know how long I sat there for, but then some people start to come in. 

"Hey." I say casually.

Harry P.O.V (most of this story will be in his, or Percy's p.o.v)

Once we knocked out VG, we apparated to Grimmald place with him, and lock him in a room, before we decide how we want to deal with him.  Dumbledore calls a meeting with the order about it,  so me, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron head downstairs to the kitchen.  But when we get there, we see none other than the jerk himself.  Perseus Jackson.  How did he get out?  As far as I know, he only found out he was a wizard today.  Maybe he is more powerful than I thought... but he is obviously not as powerful as me.  I mean, I defeated Voldemort himself.  But really, how did he get out?

"Why are you here?" I ask

"I was bored, and hungry, so I decided to come out here, and eat food." He says like it's obvious.

"How did you get out?" Hermione asks.

"That's none of your business." VG says.

"Well, as long as you are here, we should start the meeting." Dumbledore states. He sits down at the head of the table.

"But he can't be here!  He doesn't deserve it.  He is related to that piece of s***" Ron argues.

"I agree with Ron.  I'd rather not be killed during dinner." I agree.

"I don't get it.  My grandpa is the one who did the evil stuff.  Not me." VG whines.

"Perseus I think I saw you on the muggle news five years ago.  Went you the one who blew up the St. Louis arch, and got in a gun fight?" Hermione asks, YA GO MIONE!

Perseus sighs, "and if you saw how it ended, you would've known that it wasn't my fault."  Hermione glares at him. "And please, call me Percy." He adds.

"I'd rather not.  Nicknames are for friends, not enemies, Perseus." I say, emphasizing the last word.

"What made us enemies?" He asks.


"Enough.  Mrs. Weasley announces.  "Now it's time for breakfast." She waves her wand, and a pile of pancakes appear in the middle of the table.

"Mrs. Weasley?'' VG asks, looking uncomfortable, "Can you by any chance make these pancakes blue?"

"Of course dear." Mrs. Weasley replies, trying not to look surprised by his request.  She waves her wand again, and a few of the pancakes turned blue.  Perseus scooped them onto his plate.

"Oh... and also, where's your fire place?" VG asked again.  Mrs. Weasley points him in the direction.  He grabs his plate, and walks there.  We follow him, curious to see what he would do.  He takes a pancake, throws it into the fire and mutters something like, "to Poseidon."

"Bloody hell mate!" Ron yells, "why would you do that?!"

He clinches at that. "It's a tradition." He explains.  Then walks back to the table and starts to eat.  "You said you had stuff to discuss.  Discuss." He tells Dumbledore.

"Youre right Perseu- I mean Percy.  I have decided that you, along with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, will go to Hogwarts this year."

"Umm... are you sure about this dumbles?  I've blown up every school I enrolled in." VG says nervously.  And for the first time, I agree with him.

"I agree with him.  Id rather not have a criminal in the school." I.say.

"It's already decided.  You will all go to the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry this year." I glare at VG, and he smirks.  This is gonna be a long year.

So tell me people, how was your day? 
Answer this question and you get a shootout: what is Annabeth's fatal flaw?
Check out my instagram!  It's lives4pizza
Stay cool Demigods,

- Shark

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