The good girls find out

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Sorry that I haven't updated lately, I have no excuse.
@musiclover898 congrats, you got the question right first! Yay!
Also, may I mention, that I don't own anything?
On with da story
Enjoy my young Demigods.

Harry P.O.V

I run to tell Ron that our favorite death eater has returned to Hogwarts, along with Draco Malfoy. They were probably hanging out, talking to Voldemort about how they're gonna take over the world next.

I find Ron in the great hall, making out with Hermione. I clear my throat. They move away from each other. Both red as tomatoes. Or Ron's hair.

I stifle a laugh. "Did I interrupt something?" I ask whilst trying to keep a straight face. "Carry on."

"Harry, that's enough." Hermione scolds, face still red. "What is it you wanted to tell us?" She asks, trying to change the subject.

"I just wanted to tell you lot, that the death eater has returned to Hogwarts." I say.

"Harry, what do you-" Hermione starts, then realized who I was talking about. "For the last time, he is not a death eater." She sighs.

"Hermione. You are the most intelligent person we know. I can't believe that you believe his act." Ron cuts in.

"If I'm so intelligent Ronald, then you would believe me." Hermione pleads.

"Come on mione. Just lis-" Ron starts

"No Ron. You listen. He is kind, and seems like hes been through a lot."

"Well, if he's all that great, them maybe you should hang out with him instead." Ron retorts.

"Well maybe I will. I'll come back when you two are ready to believe me." Hermione seems close to tears. She storms out.

"You should've believed her guys." Ginny scolds. I just realized she was there. "Percy is a nice person, and doesn't deserve the treatment you're giving him, and neither does Hermione." She runs after Hermione.

"Great. Just great." Ron sighs.

Hermione P.O.V

I cannot believe that Harry and Ron are acting like this. They weren't like this before. I go to the Gryffindor common room to talk to Percy about it. I hear footsteps behind me as I'm walking up the staircases. I look behind me, and see Ginny running to me. I stop and let her ketchup. We walk together to the Gryffindor tower.

When we get up to the fat lady, we say the password, "Hades Trident" (which Percy finds hilarious for some reason) and walk in. I peak in to see Percy, talking to a rainbow. Ginny and I hide in a corner, wondering what Percy is doing.

"It's not my fault they're dragging me into this Annabeth! It's the fates!" Percy says to the rainbow. I think for a second that he's gone as loony as Luna, until someone replies.

I hear a sigh. "You're right Percy. I just thought after two wars, the gods might give us a break..." a girls voice says.

"So did I wise girl. I wish I could turn it down, but my flaw won't let me. I have to help these people." Percy explains.

Another sigh. "Of course you do, that's why you're my seaweed brain." The girl replies.

"And you're my wise girl."

"Just IM me later, ok?" The Annabeth/ wise girl person asks.

"Dont worry, I will." Percy reassures her.

"Don't get killed seaweed brain."

"Try not to."

"Love you."

"Love you too." Then Percy swipes his hand through the rainbow. "Hermione, Ginny, you can come out now."

Percy P.O.V

I should've been more careful. Halfway through my call to Annabeth, I realized we were being watched. Why are these wizards so nosy?

"Hermione, Ginny, you can come out now." I tell the air. They both come out slowly, looking down.

"I'm sorry Percy, we didn't mean to barge into your conversation." Ginny apologizes.

"It's ok guys." I reassure them.

"What were all of those mythology terms about?" Hermione asks.

"Can I trust you guys?" I ask them.

"Yes. You can." Hermione tells me.

I smile. "Ok then. Gather around children. Professor Jackson has a story to tell. It all started when I was twelve..."

------time skip thingie----

"And here I am now" I see their mouths hanging open.

"Don't keep your mouths open. You'll attract flies." They close their mouths.

"And I thought we had been through a lot..."

There we go! They found out!!! Finally!
I know this chap is a bit shorter than usual, but I might put another one up today. If I have time.
No question today!

Stay cool Demigods,

- Shark

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