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I don't own anything. Rick and Rowling do.

Harry P.O.V

It's been two weeks. Two weeks since Percy Jackson got hit by the killing curse. And he still hasn't stirred. Everyone is starting to give up hope that he'll ever wake up. Well, except for Annabeth of course. She's stayed with him the whole time. Taking her lessons to the infirmary, even sleeping in a spare bed next to him. Every day, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and I go down there to see how he's doing. Every day it's the same report. Nothing.

But after all that, Annabeth won't give up hope. She got agitated the last time anyone said different.


We walked down to see how Percy was doing after a week and a half. I cautiously approached Annabeth, who was holding Percy's hand, and whispering inaudible words to him.

"How's he doing?" Ginny asks.

"He's doing great." Annabeth responds, not taking her eyes off her unconscious boyfriend.

"Annabeth?" Hermione asks carefully.


"I don't mean to burst your bubble, but how do you know he'll ever wake up? Believe me, I wish he would but it's been almost two weeks now. And-"

Annabeth's stormy gray eyes look like they're filled with fire. "He will wake up Hermione. I cannot believe you could say that. I've known Percy for years, he can win even when the odds are not in his favor, he never gives up even when it seems hopeless. He will wake up. And if you came here to tell me to give up hope, then you might as well leave." Annabeth says angrily.

"But-" Hermione protests.

"GO" we all leave as tears extinguish the fire in her eyes, as she looks down at her lifeless boyfriend.


I'm not sure if he'll wake up on his own, but I know that Annabeth will make sure he will.

Voldemort P.O.V

The spirit of Kronos is getting stronger, he is now able to rest part of his spirit in a human host. He killed one of the wizards we had in captivity, and possessed the body. We were currently sitting at the dining room table.

"Did you kill the Jackson brat?" Kronos questions.

"He is not dead yet, although it was very close. I do not yet know how he survived it." I answer.

"His father's side was protecting him. It prevents him from the full effect of the curse."

"Did you wish him dead?" I ask.

"I suppose not. I have plans for that one. He must be kept alive until the time is ripe. You said he was nearly dead? Bring him out of his slumber."

"i will do as you wish, the only thing I ask is to kill Potter. He has been an enemy of mine for quite some time now. I wish for revenge." I explain.

"That could be arranged." Kronos says.

"What are you planning to do with our grandson?" I ask cautiously.

"This body will not be useful for much longer. He is too weak. I need a new host. Someone powerful enough, enough endurance to be able to hold the full extent of my power without burning up." Kronos turns and stares in a different direction. "Yes Perseus Jackson. You will be my new host."

Percy P.O.V

"Yes Perseus Jackson. You will be my new host."

I wake with a start from my vision. Kronos wants to use me as a host? Well if you see him, can you pass the message on that I say, GO ROT IN TARTARUS, YOU STUPID SON OF A GORGON!

I look up to see the smiling face of Annabeth looming above me.

"Hey." I croak.

"SEAWEED BRAIN!!" Annabeth jumps on top of me, and kisses me. Lemme just say, it felt great.

"Nice to see you again Wise girl." I reply with a big smile.

"Everyone thought you were dead except me. But I knew they were wrong." Annabeth says triumphantly. I don't think it's very good that I'm alive, if Kronos's plan works, I will most likely be the destruction of the world. "What?!" Annabeth exclaims. I said that aloud? Oh schist.

"I had a dream." I state.

Annabeth has a worried look on her face. "What about?"

"Kronos, he has a plan..." I struggle to get the words out.

"What is it Percy?" Annabeth's voice is starting to get panicky.

I have to tell her one way or another. It's now or never. I take a deep breath. Kronos plans to use me as his host."

I'm reeeeeaaaaallllyyyyyyyy sorry I didn't update, and that the updates have been slow, but now that my schedule is calming down, I can go back to my normal updating pace.

QOTD: what's your favorite food?
Mine is blue pizza.

Stay cool Demigods,

- Shark

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