Lets learn about the author!

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Ok. I should've done this a long time ago. I have been on Wattpad for a while now. So basically, I'm gonna tell you some stuff about myself.

Name: Maya

Age: 11 (Well I was when I wrote this, now I'm twelve)

Hair: curly brown, shoulder length.

Eyes: I really don't know how to describe my eyes. They are blueish, grayish, greenish, eyes. But I just say they are green. My uncle says they look like the inside of a grape.

Obsessions: Star Wars, Minecraft, and obviously Percy Jackson fanfics :p

Things I like to do: Taekwondo, dance, play minecraft with my friends, and read and write fan fiction.

Glasses: Yes. They are purple with dragons on them.

Favorite color: Dark green.

Favorite food: Pizza

Favorite book series: Percy Jackson. (Duh!)

Favorite movie: Star Wars

Least Favorite movie: The lightning thief. Percy Jackson is my favorite book series, but I hated the movies. They were an insult to Percy Jackson. I stopped watching Disney movies for a while after that

Favorite animal: Shark. Obviously.

I hope you guys enjoyed learning about me and stuff.

Stay cool Demigods,

- Shark

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