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Okay guys, so if you are an Anidala (and Vaderdala ;) ) shipper like me, you know that is can be difficult to find some really good Anidala/Vaderdala fanfiction (and long ones at that, not just oneshots) that doesn't contain smut, tons of language and/or someone dying.  So, I am making an anidala/vaderdala fanfiction MASTER POST about the good Anidala/Vaderdala stories that I really, really love. Most of these are going to be completed but not all of them, just an fyi.  Okay, also, the stories I am putting down. not all of them are centered on Anidala.  But if they have a good amount of it, I am putting them in here. Anyway, this post will likely be updated every once in a while since I always am on the lookout for Anidala fanfiction.  Also, if you know of any good Anidala/Vaderdala fanfiction, comment below and contribute! ^-^  So, without further ado, here we go!

Ratings: ( to Wattpad)

K = G

K+= PG

T= PG-13

M= R

First off, I'm just gonna list my stories real fast, if you wanna check them out, just go to my page! :) I'm not advertising of anything, just letting y'all know.  But most people reading this rn will probably have read all of my Anidala stories lol. 



Head Versus Heart

My Love is Like a Star

Unraveled Secrets (old fic that is kinda bad lol) 

Ratings range from K-T

Okay so those are mine and if you want the descriptions, you can just go to my page lol.  Now here we go with the rest!

UPDATE!!!! EVERGREEN98 has changed her account name to PrincessC5 but has now deleted all of her stories :(.  I don't have an account on so idk why but if anyone does and wants to pm her asking ehr why, please let me know what she says cause she had some of my favorite anidala stories on her account. :'(

His Angel, Her Knight: Evergreen98 ( Rating: T  (Not complete but recently updated)

  A marriage has been arranged between Senator Amidala and the terrible Darth Vader. Tensions are high between this newlywed couple as they undergo the trials of a rebellion, and the struggles that come with marriage. Each has a long past of secrets, hatred, and betrayal. Will they find some common ground together - or will this union tear them both apart?  

I really love this one.  I really hopes she updates soon, Vaderdala is my guilty pleasure lol.  THat sounded wrong... not in a bad way guys.

The Finer Shades of Why: Yesac (  Rating: K+  (Complete)

  When Dooku realizes far earlier Sidious' intentions to replace him, Sidious' plans never come to fruition... but Dooku's do. Across the galaxy, Anakin and Obi-Wan are shot down by their own men and try to make sense of why.  

Okay this one is centered on Anakin and Obi-Wan friendship but there is Anidala that comes in around Chapter 14 and on.  It can be slow at times but it is a really good read. It is also really good because it focuses on Obi-Wan struggling with darkness, which is interesting due to the fact that we always see him so grounded in light.  

The Enemy Among Us: Evergreen98 ( Rating: T (Complete) 

  Unknown to the Rebel Alliance, an enemy has slipped into their ranks. He hides in plain sight, unkown to even himself. He is their greatest threat, but he could also be their salvation. All he has to do is pick a side. Anakin Skywalker, or Darth Vader? 

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