Happy Anniversary to Me! (11/3/14)

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who made my experience awesome!

So, guys, guess what?!?!  Yesterday was my one year anniversary on Wattpad! Yes, it has been one full year since I joined this amazing website.  So, this random thought part is going to me my transformation from 2013 to 2014 on Wattpad.   

Okay so I originally started writing because… well… let me start a little before.  I have written things before, but nothing really ever good and I wasn’t going to consider making my own books or publishing one day.  Anyway, about a year ago (obvi) I was rewatching Teen Titans and starting to get into once again, and I was saw there were like stories about them online.  I was like OMG NO WAY! I was so happy.  But the website I was looking at, they described some fan fics but I had no idea where they were.  Then I found fanfiction.net and (never joined) read a fic and let’s just say… a BAD experience!!!  So, I was just like, you know what, why don’t Ijust write some Teen Titans stuff? And my writing kick was born.  That was my first story posted and it is still ongoing to this day.  

When I first joined, I never EVER wanted to talk with people or message them.  I was really weary of that stuff… of you know what I mean.  But Miss @Cabbieluver was just so nice and awesome and I realized, hey, I have a lot of stuff in common with this girl and started talking with her too.  And now we are Wattpad buddies to this day! I think she is just so amazing, I love her, she is so great and I am so thankful she was kind enough to talk with me.  Once I posted, people started following me, slowly but surely I started building a fan base.  ME! A fanbase! Then I posted more stuff, both fan fic and originals (which will be back soon… I promise) and a surge of followers! Now, today, I have 190 in one year. :O  OMG thank you so much! And this book itself has over 9,000 reads!

I loved Wattpad so much I decided to create a Starfire (@XStarfireXx) anon account which currently has over 300 followers!!!! :O  I am just so thankful to be apart of this amazing website.  I have met so many amazing people on here.  I have meet @emjen_enla who is a another huge star wars fan and she is such an amazing write.  SHe is just so kind to me and we talk about stuff… love her! :)  I have met this awesome girl @_Dr_Harleen_Quinzel_ and we fangirl all the time!  We also have a lot in common fandom wise and music (I think :P) and she is just so hilarious!  I have met Little Miss @IssieKinght!  We talk all the time and we love all the same things and she is another one of my best friends on here.  She writes great stories and I love her originals too! She is just so fantastic!  Also, I have met @SummerSurfs who is a phenomenal writer, OMG, her original stories like Living Legends and SOTD, just perfection! I fangirl over her stuff! :D Love all of you guys, you all are so awesome!  I want to meet you guys SO BAD!!! One day, I am just gonna be like a stalker and message you WHERE DO YOU LIVE? I MUST MEET YOU AWESOME PERSON!  XD Jk… that would be weird… but we must meet somehow!

Thank you everyone so much for my amazing experience on Wattpad, I can’t thank you all enough for all your votes, followers and kind comments, and actually liking my stuff! You guys are the best! Since it is my one year anniversary, if you want me to do anything special like a Q&A (that would be fun!) or a special writing thing or session or special update, I’ll do it!

Keep Writing guys, it keeps you going!

Thanks again!

athunter99 <3

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