Chapter Twenty-Three

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I had been doing my work in the small room by myself for a couple of hours now, and to be honest I was getting really bored. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Mr Jones walking towards me.

"How's everything?" he asked.

"Meh, I can't really concentrate so I'm pretty bored."

Mr Jones was about to reply when a knock on the door interrupted him. He turned around and I moved my head so I could see who it was. Ashley. Ugh, what did she want?!

"Excuse me Si- Oh, hey Sarah. Suspended already? Did you have sex with another teacher?" she said and Mr Jones put a hand on my shoulder to restrain me from getting up and hitting her. Before I could yell at her though, Mr Jones spoke.

"Ashley, go back into the classroom and I'll talk to you there. And don't say things like that to any student, got it?"

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir," she said, smiling innocently at him before walking out. Once she was out, Mr Jones turned and faced me, taking his hand off my shoulder.

"I'm going to tell her off for saying that to you, don't worry, and just ignore her stupid, immature comments, okay?" he asked staring right into my eyes.

"Whatever," I responded and he gave me a sympathetic look before returning to the class room. I took my iPod out of my pocket and shoved one of the headphones in my ear and tried to calm myself down. How dare she say that to me, she doesn't know one thing about me! 

Ten minutes passed and the bell went for lunch. I got out of my chair, grabbed my bag and headed back into the classroom to see Alana sitting at a table infront of Mr Jones' desk. I looked up at Alana and smiled, but she seemed upset. I looked over at Mr Jones and saw that he was shutting the classroom door. Were we in trouble again?

"Umm, Sir? Is everything okay, or can I go to lunch now?" I asked him as he made his way over to his desk.

"Ashley just told me that she found a piece of fish under her pillow, and the only people who have had access to her room are you two on Saturday. I'm going to ask you once, and I want the complete truth. Was it you girls?"

Before Alana could speak, I did. "No. I mean yes, it was me but Alana had nothing to do with it. I thought of the idea because of how she embarrassed me the other morning and I wanted to get her back, so don't get Alana in any trouble because it was all me."

He stared at me, trying to think of something to say before turning to Alana. "Is this true Miss Tase?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Okay, you can go out to lunch."

I grabbed my bag once again and stood up, but he stopped me.

"Not you. Sit back down," I groaned and sat back in my seat and Alana gave me a sympathetic smile before leaving, making sure she shut the door behind her. I looked back at Mr Jones. His ocean blue eyes felt like they were piercing holes into mine. He was so gorgeous, it was killing me. I sighed.

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