Chapter Thirty-Three

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Making my way to detention, I pulled tighter on my beanie. It was absolutely freezing at this time of morning and I was rugged up in trackies, a hoodie, a beanie, gloves, and my ugg boots. I barely slept all night and I was restless and weak and felt like I would crack any minute. When I arrived at Mr Jones' classroom, the door was already open so I walked in and took a seat. No one else was in here- not even Mr Jones so I put my head on my desk and rested.

"Ah, you came!" Mr Jones said as I raised my head. He was carrying a coffee in one hand and had a few books in his other. He placed them all on his desk, picked up a piece of paper and pen and walked towards me. I didn't reply to what he had said as he pulled up a chair and sat on the other side of my desk. "I want you to fill both sides of this piece of paper with lines saying 'I will attend every single class and won't skip anymore'," he said while placing the page and pen on my desk, staring at me intently.

"No," I half-whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no. That isn't going to change anything and it definitely isn't going to stop me from skipping again so it's pointless and stupid and I'm not wasting my time doing it."

He let out a long sigh. "Sarah, you will fucking do as I say! I don't swear at my students but I honestly don't know what to do with you anymore! I'm your principal, you're not supposed to overpower me and make me feel like I'm not doing my job right! Just because you got away with everything back home with Jason doesn't mean you're going to get away with anything here, alright? I'm in charge of you, not the other way around. If you don't pick up that fucking pen in the next twenty seconds and start writing, I will not hesitate to ring the school board and get you transferred again to a different boarding school because I've had up to here with you and your attitude!"

When he was finished his little outburst, he pushed the chair out and sat back at his desk and started writing something down in a book. I sighed lightly and started writing. The way he snapped sent a chill down my spine and I felt fear rush through me, yet I was still so intrigued by him and couldn't bring myself to hate him.

An hour passed and I had finished what he wanted me to do without saying a word or even raising my head in his direction and as soon as the clock hit 7am, I walked up to his desk, put the paper and pen on it really hard and walked away to let him know that I was angry without having to say anything. I didn't even wait to see his reaction, I just turned on my heel and walked straight out of there and towards the cafeteria for breakfast. I saw Nicky and walked over to her and then we found everyone else. I didn't feel like eating, so I made myself a coffee and joined everyone else.

When Mr Jones started talking about the important announcements and whatnot, he informed us that the school dance had been cancelled due to a bunch of kids playing up and taking advantage of it and that we would get to have it when we all started behaving more sensibly. A lot of the students looked bummed about it but I was cheering on the inside, I never really wanted to go anyway.


The next couple of days blew by smoothly- neither Jason or Mr Jones had said a word to me that wasn't school related and I missed it. I missed the forbidden-ness of it all and the thrill I got when I was with them, but I just left it. It was now Friday night and the girls decided that because the dance was cancelled, we were going to go clubbing instead. We were getting ready and I decided to wear a black, tight long sleeved dress that reached a few inches under my arse and paired it with my red stilettos. I waved my hair and applied makeup, and at 8pm, we decided to leave.

Alana, Nikki, Lexie and I made our way to the office, signed ourselves out for the night and made our way to wait for a taxi. We were having a 'girls night out' and just doing whatever we wanted without having to care about anything. I had been messaging Jade and Jess back home and they seemed to be doing a lot better without me than I was without them, but I brushed it off and put my phone away.

At the club, the line wasn't too long and we all made it through with our fake ID's and headed straight to the bar. We all took three shots of vodka, and Nikki and Alana made their way over to the dance floor while Lexie and I stayed at the bar talking. A few drinks and a couple of hours later, Lexie had found a decent guy that she'd had her eye on all night and I finally talked her into going up to him and starting a conversation with him. Alana was now with me while Nikki also disappeared with a boy. We ordered another round of drinks, and it was really hitting me now. Alana went to the toilet and I just wanted to dance, regardless if it was by myself.

I finished the rest of my drink and made my way to the crowded dance floor and swayed along when I felt two large, warm hands on my waist and I was slowly pulled back into what I'm assuming was a guy. I started dancing against him, and it eventually turned into light grinding. I was feeling confident in myself for the first time in ages and a smile rose to my face. His face came closer and rested on top of my shoulder and he turned it towards me and I could feel his breath against my neck. I turned towards him and our lips met, so I turned around towards him and replaced my hands around his neck while his hands moved to my arse and he gripped it tightly- causing me to bite lightly down on his lip. It turned the kiss deeper and more passionate and his lips felt familiar, but I blamed it on the alcohol and I didn't let it stop me. Eventually, I broke the kiss and finally looked at him properly.

Ah, here we go again..

Too good to be true [Student/Teacher Relationship]Where stories live. Discover now