Entry 8: Man With The Lab Coat

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                Recap: "It's the ceiling you idiot." A voice snarled from behind me. I froze and slowly turned my head around. "Oh why me?"                                                      

                                                                                       Mary POV

               "Oh. Well look who it is, Mr.Lab Coat." I said in a sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes."Now that I have your attention, I need to inform of something." He said, turning in my direction. He pulled his hands from his pockets and put them together and pointed them at me. I raised an eyebrow. "What the heck's he talking about?" I wondered. "You've found out too much." He said. I could just barely see his eyes stare daggers at the ground. "Too much of WHAT exactly?!" I shouted. The only sound that was heard next was the echo of my shout. "Enough." He said, turning and walking away.

                "Hey!" I cried. I flailed my arms around trying to catch up, but found myself stuck in a "bubble". "DAMNIT! Uh..What am I gonna do?" I thought as I pounded on the bubble angrily."Wait...I remember...this is all a dream. That means I should wake up eventually!" I smiled. I could just end this whole thing couldn't I? All I had to do was wake up. Easier said than done.

                                          ~Time skip brought to you by my love for Undertale~

                  I slumped in my trap and started tapping the bubble. "How much longer?" I whined. I suddenly swallowed a huge breathe of air into my lungs AKA gasping. I opened my eyes and sat up. I breathed in and out trying to calm myself. I glanced at my surroundings. I realized that I was in my bed, and that was a just a nightmare, a very strange one. I scratched my head and thought,"I REALLY spend less time on the internet......". I felt something wet on my cheeks. Apparently I was crying in my sleep. I slowly crept out of my bed and turned right towards the bathroom. "Just great. Absolutely amazing." I sighed, staring into the mirror. "This is gonna be a loonnggg night."

                    EDIT: This chapter is basically half of a school essay I did XD


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