Episode One: Days Ahead

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[this scene takes place in nathan's room. ]
{ Alarm blares as screen shows a blurred alarm clock that slowly fades into clearness. The time reads 5:42 a.m. A hand slams on the alarm clock and then a fist is made and again, the hand slams the clock. The alarm shuts off. }
[ camera shot is now at the floor near nathan's bed.]
{ we see a pair of feet go on the floor wearing black socks.}
[ camera angles from the dresser.]
{ Nate gets up and rubs his eyes. He walks past the camera. }
[ camera angle now shot from window. ]
{ Nathan walks out his door, slams it behind him and the screen goes black. }
** montage time **
{ a hand reaches out and turns on the shower. Then the shower head turn on. We then see a hand grab a toothbrush. Then toothpaste go onto the brush. Then spit go into the sink. Then the water is turned on and washes it away. Then we see feet go down some stairs. [ camera in the cabinet ] nate grabs a box of cereal. [ camera inside bowl ] cereal is poured on the camera. [ camera next to bowl ] milk is poured into bowl. [ camera above cereal. Nate grabs a spoonful and the spoon goes back to the bowl. [ camera gliding behind nate. ] we see the channel turn to the news. * on the news the fale zombie report feom dawn if the dead plays * nate turns the channel again to family guy. } **end of montage**
Nate gets a phone call
[ camera shows nates dad driving to work. ]
Robert: " Hey "
Nate: " Hey dad, whatsup?"
Robert: " not much, don't forget to cut the lawn today alright."
Nate: " yeah.."
Robert: " don't forget to bag it. Alright buddy?"
Nate: " yeah, you want me to set up for the party later? "
Robert: " please.. That would be a great help. Alright i gotta go buddy, i'll see you at 5."
Nate: " alright, love ya dad."
Robert: " love ya too nate. Bye"
Nate: " bye.."
[ nate ends the call and puts his phone in his pocket. He looks around and sighs.]
Nate: " huhhhhh, shit.."
**montage time**
( montage shows shoes go on/ laces tied/ garage door opener flipped up/ code punched in/ foor opened/ lawn mower pulled out/ starting cord pulled/ it stalls.)
[ camera then shows nate with a face of bored, depression, and anger.]
( montage shows gas cap screwed off/ gas poured in/ droplets hit side of lawn mower and sidewalk/ cap screwed back on/ cord pulled/ lawn mower starts/ nate grins. )
**montage over**
[ now the camera man stands on a ladder ] ( shows nate start to walk in a line then fades into the sunset with nate finally finishing the yard. )
Nate:" jeesh, that took suprisingly not long at all, it's like it faded or something.... Whatever.."
( nate goes inside and sits on the couch, exhausted, he lays down and falls asleep. The camera zooms in then out and it is shown it's now dark outside. )
Nate:" holy hell, how long was i out?... Damn, it's 7:36 already?"
Nate walks downstairs and sees that everyone has arrived and the party had begun. )
Yevette:" hey hey nate! 'Bout time you woke up. Everyone's here."
Nate:" alrighty. "
**First person nathan**
[ nate walks over to the kitchen, he grabs a red solo cup and pours mountain dew in it. He turns and sees ceaser.]
Ceaser:" hey nate."
Nate:" hey ceaser, what's goin on?"( said calmly and in a low tone)
Ceaser:" not much, hey( grabs nates shoulder as nate starts to walk away) have you heard about those( leans in closer) attacks?...
Nate:" no.. What attacks? "
Ceaser:" nothing..nevermind.. It's not important.."
Nate:" alright, catch you later man."
*** scene outside at party ***
[ we see a man talking to robert (nates dad) and shows him a wound]
Robert:" wow, did you go to the hospital?!"
Man:" nah, its not that bad. Wanna know how i got it?!"
Robert:" how? ( looking in disgust)
Man:" some fucker bit me."
Robert:" sounds like something out of stuff the kids watch."
** camera pans over to yevette talking to aaliyah **
Yevette:" you having fun hunny?"
Aaliyah:" yeah! "
Yevette:" why don't you go get another pop?"
Aaliyah:" alright "
[ she smiles and runs over to the cooler( camera follows her) she sees nate. ]
Nate:" hey there little miss."
Aaliyah:" hey nathan, can you get me a pepsie please?"
Nate:" yeah sure."
[ nate hands here a pepsie and the camera goes past them to inside. It shows Ceaser playing black ops zombies with justin.]
Justin:" i really hate this gun!"
Ceaser:" But thats the wonderwaffe dg2!"
[ nate inturrupts them]
Nate:" wonder-WAFFLE-dg2"
Ceaser:" right, my bad."
[ nate smiles and walks towards the front door ** camera staying on his back. ** He opens the door and sees harrison walking up. ]
Nate:" HEY!!! Harrison!!! Glad you could make it, hey whats that?"
** camera shows a container **
Harrison:" it's a couple pies."
Nate:" sweet, set 'em up inside, i'll catch up."
Harrison:" alrighty "
[ nate continues walking till he hits sidewalk. He turns and looks into the star filled sky and sighs. ]
Nate:" I miss ya dex.."
[ nate turns and sees a man walking a few blocks away, he looks odd, walking in a stumbley manner. Nate dismisses it and goes back to the party. We then hear screams and the camera shows the man that was wounded on the ground in a seizer. ]
Woman:" help him!"
Man 2:" what do we do?!"
Robert:" call 911!"
Tom:" fuckin lines busy!!"
Robert:" shit, ( turns wounded man on his side ) it's gonna be okay."
Yevette:" what the hell is going on?!"
Ceaser:" oh no..."
Robert:" get the kids inside!!"
Tom:" kids let's go! Inside now!"
Yevette:" christina!! Get inside!!"
Tom:" ari! Alliyah!! Get inside!!"
Man 2:" get inside kids!"
Robert turns to look at the man whom is now foaming at the mouth. He turns to tom. ]
Robert:" tom take care of this for a minute."
Tom:" hell no! "
Robert:" your a cop c'mon! Get your ass over here!"
Tom:" uhhh..( hesitates for a minute) shit.. Okay.. I'll help.."
[ tom kneels down and put pressure on the wound. Robert tells yevette to get nate. She opens the back door. ]
Yevette:" NATE! NATHAN!!"
Nate:" yeah?! ( walks over to door and now in a low tone ) what is it?"
Yevette:" your dad needs you."
Nate:" okay.."
[ nate walks out to his dad.]
Robert:" nate i need you to...( they all se the clumsey man walking towards them..) what the hell?"
Nate:" wait....."
Zombie:" roaaaaaar"
Robert:" wha..?"( confused )
[ the zombie begins walking faster at them and screaming. Then eli comes out with a bat and hits the zombie. It goes down. ]
Eli:" yeahhhh bitch! Ain't so tough now are ya?! "
Robert:" hey eli! Get away from..( cut off by zombie biting eli's ankle. ) oh shit! Nooo!"
[ the zombie recieves two shots in the torso and one in the head. A stunned group turns to see tom with his gun pointed, barrel smoking. ]
Tom:" what?"
[ robert, yevette, and tom run over and help eli inside. Yevette gets the medical bag and begins cleaning and dressing the wound.]
Eli:" oh shit.. Oh shit... Oh shit... Oh shit... Oh shit..."
Yevette:" shut up! Just shut up eli! "
Eli:" we don't have time for this!! Get me to a hospital dam...( eli passes out from shock.) "
Robert:" oh shit! Is he dead?!"
Yevette:" nonono just shock."
[ everyone calms down and stays inside and drinks and eats, a little mesmorized. People leave. Then the silence is broken.]
Nate:" ummm guys... Guys!... DAD!!"
Robert:" what!?" ( robert looks in nates direction and sees the news.)
[ it shows that there has been a massive outbreak and to seek shelter immidiatley. ]
Robert:" dear god..."
The screen shows multiple broadcasts of zombie attacks and the united states turning more and more red. Death toll list counts up. Shows zombies killing people, people killing zombies. Then the screen says "Apacolypse: aftermath "
( camera shows a newspaper floating across the street. Then it shows the entrance and three zombies walking aimlessly. We see a bullet go through ones head. Then another and one more. Then we see robert and tom. Robert lowers his rifle and tom holsters his beretta. )
Tom:" Thats it, perimeter clear. "
Robert:" yeah, lets go. We're expected."
( camera shows the park. It's filled with people. We see that there is a picnic going on. The camera shows robert and tom walking through the
park entrance. Robert walks up to nathan. )
Robert:" hey nate, you're up. Take point. "
Nate:" alright. "
( robert hands nate a glock. And nate walks away. Robert goes over to yevette and sits down. )
Robert:" so how is everything?"
Yevette:" its good, everything is good. "
Robert:" where is christina? "
Yevette:" she's off playing with jessie and some neighbor girls. "
Robert:" oh good, it's good for people to escape this hell, even if its just for a while."
Yevette:" yeah."
[ camera shows the street and a rock is kicked across the screen. Then at foot level, the camera shows nate walking along the street kicking the rock. He is joined by Ari.]
Ari:" hey there killer. "
Nate:" hey... I've killed maybe 3"
Ari:" i know ( said with small laugh and smile.) i just thought since you've always claimed you were prepared for this kind of thing.
Nate:" yeah yeah yeah. Well it's not my fault our dads kill them before i get to. "
Ari:" haha ( smiles) "
[ nate looks at her and smiles back. ]
Nate:" you know i never... "[ cardrives up the road.] " oh shit. Get back now! "
Ari:" but what about you?"
Nate:" now! Go get my dad!!"
Ari:" uhh. "
[ emily takes off to get tom and robert. The speeding car stops in front of nate. Josh stancik and an unknown mexican jump out of the back of the pickup truck and charlie and an unknown adult step out from inside the car. ]
Charlie:" holy shit!"
Nate:" charlie?! Holy hell you're still alive?"
Charlie" yeah man. Look who else i found, josh. "
Nate:" damn, hey josh how's it going?"
Josh stancik:" good, pretty good."
Nate:" nice. "
Charlie:" so how( unkown mexican" you got food? Supplies?!")
Charlie:" hey, shut up! " ( charlie elbows the mexican. He looks at charlie angrily)
Nate:" why?"
Charlie:" just askin' but it's no biggie, we have plenty of supplies. But maybe we make a deal later on? Our group goes through it fast."
Nate:" wait, you got a bigger group? Is it safe?"
Charlie:" no, it's just us. We're moving our location back to an abandoned farm. Why? Do you have a bigger group? "
Nate:" no. It's just me, my friend and our families. "
Charlie:" is it safe here? "
Nate:" yeah. "
Charlie:" thats good.. Maybe some time we could..( robert:" no!")
Charlie:" what?"
Robert:" you can't live here and you can't have half our supplies. There are enough we have to care for already. "
Charlie:"i wasn't.. Ugh.. I thought you said your group was small nate.."
Nate:" it is."
Tom:" i suggest you get moving kid, we don't want a problem."
Charlie:" yeah, no problems."
( charlie gives nate a disturbing look and then winks. Then they load back up and drive off. )
Robert:" was that charlie?"
Nate:" yeah.."
Tom:" we need to keep an extra eye out. Two gaurds from now on. On each side!"
Robert:" i agree, let's go talk about it to everyone."
( robert and tom leave and it's just nate and ari.)
Ari:" what were you going to say?"
Nate:" what...? Oh.. I can't remember.."
Ari:" ah... Okay..."
Nate:" go ahead and go back to the picnic, i got this.."
Ari:" okay..."
( ari leaves nate alone and he goes back to kicking the rock. )
Camera zooms out from charlies eye and we see he's in the car with the unknown adult.
Adult:" sooo... Are we gonna try anything?"
Charlie:" You know the rules. Not unless they start anything."
Adult:" damn..."
Mexican:" hey! Why didn't you let me kill those fuckers?"
Charlie:" 1. They're old friends.. 2. You know the rules too, asshole..."
Josh stancik:" Yeah.. I can't believe nate survived though.."
Charlie:" what did you expect? He was always prepared for this remember?"
Josh stancik:" yeah, that's true. Remember he wanted to do a zombie movie that one time?"
Charlie:" yeah, but he didn't have any fake guns, blood, or makeup to do it with. Only nerf guns.."
Josh stancik:" hahaha, and spray paint!"
Charlie:" yeah, hahahha."
Josh stancik:" man, we should have him join us."
Charlie:" yeah but you know how it is.. We have enough as is..."
Josh stancik:" yeah but still.. It'd be nice to have him around to connect with the way things used to be. I miss it man.."
Charlie:" me too.... Me too."
[Screen goes dark and the camera tilts down to show a camp sight with many tents and people walking around. ]
Charli:" Hey Sabs! You and (unknown mexican) are on gaurd at the southern entrance. "
Sabs:" got it sir.."
Charlie:" dammit sabs... This isn't goddamn call of duty. It's not the military. I'm not hitler.. My names charlie.."
Sabs:" sorry sir.. I..uh..mean..uh..charlie.."
Charlie:" there you go. Now go get out there!"
Sabs:" okay.."
[sabs and unknown mexican run off into darkness. An unknown blonde girl comes up and sits next to charlie.]
Blonde girl:" hey, i heard you found another group today.. Did you?"
Charlie:" yes.. And no, we didn't hurt them."
Blonde girl:" why? We need the supplies badly."
Charlie:" i know, i know... It's just. One of them, he's an old friend."
Blonde girl:" so? Just take him in and take their stuff.."
Charlie:" no, i can't do that."
Blonde girl:" well why not?!"
Charlie:" because.. He's my friend. And you just don't betray friends like that!"
Blonde girl:" oh so is that why adrian is dead?"
Charlie:" that was different.."
Blonde girl:" how? He was your friend...."
Charlie:" no... "
Blonde girl:" you betrayed him."
Charlie:" listen... You're going down a dark road.."
Blonde girl:" and now..... He's dead.."
Charlie:" it was different"( he looks at her with an evil in his eyes..)
Blonde girl: ( tearing up ) he's dead.. And you killed him... "
Charlie:" stop talking...."
Blonde girl:" No, no i won't stop.. Yoh killed him.. He said he loved me.. He said it dammit! ( crying hard now.) "
[Charlie sticks her in the leg with a needle. She screams but passes out. Charlie picks her up and carries her to her tent. Then he walks back to the fire and douses it with water. ]
We then see charlie go to his tent and lie down. He falls asleep and we see a flashback. We hear a door slam and feet running down some steps. We see Adrian come down the stairs and run into a room. He closes the door behind him. The camera shows him pull holding a sandwich and he pulls a bag of chips and some juice packs out of his pants and lay them out. He takes a mouthfull of the sandwich and opens the chips and shoves alot in his mouth dropping some as he chews. He then pops open a juice pack and chugs it down spilling all over himself. We here a noise and he stops dead in his tracks. ]
Charlie:" ADRIAN!?"
Josh stancik:" Adrian someone took some food!"
Charlie:" adrian we need your help!"
Adrian:" shit..."
[ adrian rips up the sandwich and shoves it in his mouth. Then he takes the chips and eats as much as he can before flushing the rest down the toilet. He takes the final juice pouch and puts it in his pants. Then he wipes his mouth, gurggles some mouthwash and washes his hands. Then he walks out the bathroom.]
Josh stancik:" there you are! Guys i got him!"
Adrian:" what's going on?"
Josh stancik:" someone stole some food."
Adrian:" uhggg.. Did you check under sabs' bed?"
Charlie:" actually yes.. Nothing. But adrian now it's your turn."
Adrian:" wait what?!"
[ Adrian gets hit over the head with a baseball bat. Charlie suddenly wakes up. We see him walking in the daylight. ]
Sabs:" hey charlie."
Charlie:" hey, how was patrol?"
Sabs:" fine, killed three roamers. But i'm mighty tired. Think i'm honna hit the hay."
Charlie:" you do that.."
[ he walks to the tent where he set the blonde girl. He walks in and she's still asleep. He walks out and heads towards the armory. He picks up a vest, shotgun, two pistols, and a knife. He walks past stancik. ]
Charlie:" i'm going out. Keep everything in check. "
Stancik:" will do. "
[ charlie goes out into the woods. Josh then turns around and heads towards the camp table and sits down for breakfast. ]

This scene takes place in nathan's room. ]
{ Alarm blares as screen shows a blurred alarm clock that slowly fades into clearness. The time reads 5:42 a.m. A hand slams on the alarm clock and then a fist is made and again, the hand slams the clock. The alarm shuts off. }
[ camera shot is now at the floor near nathan's bed.]
{ we see a pair of feet go on the floor wearing black socks.}
[ camera angles from the dresser.]
{ Nate gets up and rubs his eyes. He walks past the camera. }
[ camera angle now shot from window. ]
{ Nathan walks out his door, slams it behind him and the screen goes black. }
** montage time **
{ a hand reaches out and turns on the shower. Then the shower head turn on. We then see a hand grab a toothbrush. Then toothpaste go onto the brush. Then spit go into the sink. Then the water is turned on and washes it away. Then we see feet go down some stairs. [ camera in the cabinet ] nate grabs a box of cereal. [ camera inside bowl ] cereal is poured on the camera. [ camera next to bowl ] milk is poured into bowl. [ camera above cereal. Nate grabs a spoonful and the spoon goes back to the bowl. [ camera gliding behind nate. ] we see the tv turn on but nothing is on. The camera glides across the room showing nate with a blank empty face as he stares into the camera. He then hears acreams from outside. He gets up and runs sprints out the door. He listens to hear where the scream is comming from. He then yakes off going left. He gets to the pond on the other side of the subdivision. He slowly stops.]
Woman 1:" please!! Please help him!!!"
[ nathan just looks at the pond. ]
( as camera pans over across the water we see red water and a body lying on the rocks with the legs in the water. We see a fishing pole near by and the rocks are spattered in blood and gore. We then see a severed head and a machete stuck in the torso. ) [the entire time the woman is screaming woman 1:" please! Please! Oh god please! HELP MEEE! HELP MEEE!" ]
The camera goes past nates face and focuses on him. We see people running this way in the backround.
Nathan:" oh my god.."

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