Episode Two: Death Among Us

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[Nathan takes off going left. He gets to the pond on the other side of the subdivision. He slowly stops.]
Woman 1:" please!! Please help him!!!"
[ nathan just looks at the pond. ]
( as camera pans over across the water we see red water and a body lying on the rocks with the legs in the water. We see a fishing pole near by and the rocks are spattered in blood and gore. We then see a severed head and a machete stuck in the torso. ) [the entire time the woman is screaming woman 1:" please! Please! Oh god please! HELP MEEE! HELP MEEE!" ]
The camera goes past nates face and focuses on him. We see people running this way in the backround.
Nathan:" dear god..."
Robert:" what happened?!"
Tom:" oh christ" ( covers his eys with his inner elbow. )
Woman 1:" what can we dooo?! What can we do?"
Robert:" nothing.. C'mon let's get you inside. Let's go. Tom! You got this!"
Tom:" uhgg... Shit...."
Woman 1:" why.. Who did this..?"
Robert:" i don't know... I don't know..."
Tom:" c'mon! Nate! Tanner! I need your help cleaning this up.
Tanner:" you mean cleaning up that guys dead body? Gross..."
Nate:" lets just get this done."

[ nathan and tanner are walking each holding up an end of what seems to be a wrapped up body, as there are blood spatters inside the sheet. ( camera shows front of them) they drop the body into a small pit. Nate looks at tanner. ]
Tanner:" should i?..."
Nate:" yes.."
[ tanner takes out a bottle of lighter fluid and pours a good amount on the body. Nate takes out a match book. He stalls for a second. ]
Tanner:" do it..."
[ nate lights a match and throws it on the body. The body lights up and the camera zooms out. )

[ camera shows josh stancik cleaning up plates and he's walking past a tent. He then stops and dropps the plates. We see charlie walking out of the brush covered in dirt and blood. He has an angry blank face and walks past josh. Josh follows as people whisper in the backround. ]
Josh stancik:" what happened are you okay?!"
Charlie:" fine."
Josh stancik:" then why are you covered in blood?!"
Charlie:" what do you think. Roamers, everywhere out here.. We need that town. I know we could fortify it better. "
Josh stancik:" but we can't unless they start something right?..... ( charlie takes off his vest and drops his guns in a bin. ) stancik:" RIGHT?!"
Charlie:" right.."( said with evil grin)

[camera shows tom, robert, yevette, nathan, ari, tanner, paul, and dave standing in the driveway. ]
Tom:" i just don't understand.."
Yevette:" who would do something like that?"
Paul:" maybe they're getting smarter?"
Robert:" not possible."
Tom:" wait.."
Tanner:" I don't think a zombie is capable of weilding a machete.."
Tom:" nate..."
Robert:" no, this was human."
Tom:" nate..."
Ari:" well whatever it was we need to deal with it."
Tom:" NATE!"
Nate:" yeah?!"
Tom:" that old friend of yours... What if he.."
Nate:" charlie..? No.. He wouldn't.."
Dave:" yeah, but this world.. It changes people."
Nate:" yeah.. I suppose it does."
Tanner:" i say we pay this asshole a visit."
Nate:" yeah me too."
Robert:" no, me and tom will go."
Nate:" but he's my friend and i know how to talk to him."
Robert:" no"
Nate:" dad! I can help!"
Robert:" NO!"
Nate:" yes!"
Robert:" Go to your damn room now! I said no dammit!"
Nate:" fine... "
[ nate walks into the house. It is silent. Then robert speaks.]
Robert:" tom, let's load up and go looking. "
Tom:" alright!"
Yevette:" it's too dangerous!"
Robert:" yeah, but what if it had been me killed, or nate. "
Yevette:" but.."
Robert:" no buts.. We're dealing with this."
[ camera shows robert and tom getting into a car. ( camera at tire angle) the car backs up and drives away. We see nate in his room. The camera pans behind him and blurres. It unblures to show his face. Then he has a sudden miment of realization. He jumps up and runs out the door. ( at the lake ) nathan gets to the lake where the murder happened. He looks up and sees footprints. He looks out in the fields and starts heading beack to the house. He goes inside and gets a map he had made. He draws a layput with red marker. He circles 5 areas on the map and looks it over.]
Ari:" hey."
Nate:" hey."
Ari:" what are you doing"
Nate:" making a map."
Nate:" because, i need to go to these five places."
Ari:" why nate?"
Nate:" because. I need to find something."
Ari:" find what exactly?"
Nate:" answers."
Yevette:" you're not finding any answers.. You're grounded. Go to your room before i tell your dad whats going on here. NOW! Stop standing there!! Ari go back to your house! NOW!"
[ Ari leaves and nate gives yevette a pissed off look and goes to his room. The day is alighty darker now. We see josh walk up to charlie. ]
Josh:" charlie listen, we're running low on supplies and i think.."
Charlie:" did you tell big hoss?"
Josh:" thats not his name charlie.."
Charlie:" just get a meeting set up dammit!!"
Josh:" okay jeez..."
[ we see emily in a room reading a book and there is a knock at the window. She opens it and nate comes in. ]
Ari:" hey."
Nate:" hey, we need to talk."
Ari:" about?"
Nate:" i'm going tonight."
Nate:"shhh. I'm going to find what i meed to find. I can't take this anymore. They treat me like a kid. "
Ari:" they're keeping us safe."
Nate:" and when they're gone? Then who's gonna keep us safe?"
Ari:" i... I donmt know..."
Nate:" exactly. I'm going. In case i don't come back i wanted to tell you something."
Ari:" what?"
Nate:" I..."
[ the door opens up and nate ducks down.]
Yevette:" Ari, i just wanted to say i'm sorry for yelling earlier. I know you didn't mean to be there."
Ari:" oh, it's okay. "
Yevette:" alright. Hey, somwthig wrong?"
Ari:" no."
Yevette:" alright, goodnight."
Ari:" night."
[ yevette leaves and ari looks back and nate is gone. She looks out the window into the darkness and puts her head down sad. ]
[ we see a group walking in the dark. They have supplies and weapons, they get to an opening in a heavily wooded area and a man with a mask and hood steps out. He raises two pistols and a number of other people appear out from the trees and all raise weapons to the group.]
Charlie:" supplies, now."
Group leader:" no! "
Charlie:" supplies and we let you live."
Leader:" no man! Fuck you! Find your own supplies!"
Charlie:"... We just did..."
[ they kill the entire group and take their supplies back to camp.]
Charlie:" this stuff should last us a good two months."
Stancik:" we got some meds. Drew's gonna be happy."
Charlie:" yeah. C'mon let's get back."
[it's now day out and we see nate walking on a trail with a 1911 raised up a bit. He passes through the brush and sees a few zombies. He holsters the gun and takes his knife out of the sheath. He stabs one in the head, jumps up and tackles another stabbing it in the forhead. He gets up and sees the last one. He pulls his knife up ready to fight. The camera shows the zombie growl and nate growl. Then the zombie growl then nate again. Then out of shit luck, the blade on nates knife falls off. Nate looks down and then back up.]
Nate:" ... Shit..."
[the zombie lunges at nate but he jumps out of the way. Nate reaches for his gun and rips off the holster with it on accident. He tries to shake it off but just shoots the zombie in the head as it stumbles to get up.]
**out of breath**
Nate: " man... Todays just not my day..."
[ He puts the holster back on along with the pistol.  He looks up and sees a small army of zombies comming through the forest. Nate turns and runs through turning back for a second and then tripping. He falls into an open area. He gets up and takes out his gun. He actually takes the holster off this time. He takes aim as the zombies stumble into the yard. Using one hand, nate fires a shot. The bullet hits the zombie through the eye but the blowback of the gun makes nate hit himself in the face. ]
Nate:" ow! Shit! Ahh..."
[ nate uses the weapon the right way and shoots one skimming the cheek then he gets it in the forehead. He shoots another one but gets it in the chest. He fires at its head but misses. The walker is closing in so nate just takes out his knife and stabs it in the head. He looks at the last one and raises his gun. And shoots it in the head. He notices his weapon is out of ammo. He clicks the chamber and puts the pistol away.  He stands there catching his breath when he heres a click. ]
Unknown:" Don't move."
[The camera is now shown behind a tent and it moves to the side, showing the people in Charlie and Josh's group.]  Charlie: "Okay people, listen up."  "Please." Josh adds  [Charlie pauses and looks at Josh for a second with his eyebrow raised, then looks back at the group of people.]  Charlie: "As you may know already, we're running very low on supplies. There's a place not far from here. We tried to reason with these people, and join them, try to build a community. But they told us that they weren't letting anyone else in. They put a gun to my head. Told me to leave. We have enough people, and we can take it as ours. Josh has been planning with me on how to pull this off. Josh, you're up."

[Josh takes Charlie's place, and pulls out a shitty drawn map of the small place that Big hoss and his group is. He points at the "weak spot" that he found as he was circling the perimeter.]  Josh: "This place right here is where we can attack them from behind. They'll never see it coming. We could go in, and clear it out quickly, then build walls around. There's plenty of places here, hopefully giving us the equipment and supplies we need. We have devised a plan to attack in one week. This should give us time to scout the place more. "
[ charlie takes over]
Charlie:" now i know you people, you're good. But them. They have what we need. Now are we just going to sit here or are we gonna get whats ours?!"
Crowd:" we're gonna get whats ours!!"
Charlie:" thats right, now go! Spend time with your families! You never know if you'll be making it out. Thank you all for your time! Breakfast will be in an hour. "
[ everyone scatters and begin to mingle. Charlie turns to josh.]
Charlie:" we need this to work. Then afterwards we'll take down the "big bad guy" for not meeting our needs."
Josh:" but we'll need a bigger army.."
Charlie:" i know that. But i also know that he mistreats his people. I count a dozen that would be willing to fight for us. "
Josh:" that many?"
Charlie:" yeah, now theres buisness to attend to. Go count the weapons, no better yet have sabs count the weapons. Make his ass do something. Make sure we have one for every man, woman, and child over 13."
Josh:" thats a little young."
Josh:" okay! Okay.. "
[charlie begins to walk away and then stops. He turns around and looks at josh.]
Charlie:" now.."
[josh looks a little scared and begins walking the other direction. Charlie turns around and walks over to the armory. He grabs an m9 along with two extra mags and a vest. ]
Sabs:" where are you going sir?!"
Charlie:" out.."
Sabs:" oh okay.. Also sir?"
Charlie:" what...?"
Sabs:" we have 47 guns and about six hundred bullets.."
Charlie: " we need more.."
Sabs:" what are we going to do sir?"
Charlie:" we're going to do what we have to do.."
[charlie walks out if the shed and into the woods. ]

End of episode two.

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