Goodbye, Blue Sky

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While everyone was busy with the celebration..
Aozora sat outside near a cliff.

Without noticing it, everyone has fallen asleep
during the party..

It became morning without Aozora knowing it.
As if, time flies fast when he's stuck staring at the sky.

"..remind me who I am" Aozora mutters as he stares
up into the sky.


The Storms has been observing his actions.

"Hey, hey, why is he so weird?" Katya clings on Apocalyptia.

Suddenly, Ragira comes rushing in. She huffs as she catches
her breath.

"What's the matter, sister Ragira?" Apocalyptia asks.

Andromeda on the other hand, silently glances at them.

"Aozora.. is.." Ragira couldn't talk straight.

"What? What about him?" Apocalyptia stood up.

"Fufufu, interesting." Bona giggles.

Loki chuckles in the corner. "Hahahaha..
He referred to Ragira.

Apocalyptia's eyes widened and turned her glare back
to Ragira. "What did you do?" instead of thinking of
Aozora as the traitor, she immediately thought of

"Aozora is betraying us? But we're monitoring him
right now, eh?"
Akasha shrugs.

"Stupid, your sister over there is the one I'm talking about."
Loki says.

"Loki, settle down." Andromeda commanded him.

"My apologies, my queen." Loki bows his head.

Apocalyptia strangles Ragira. "TELL ME!"
"Sister, it is unappropriate to lay a finger on one of our kind.
Release her and let her speak."
Andromeda gently touched
Apocalyptia's shoulder.

"Tsk." Apocalyptia had nothing to say and threw Ragira aside.

Coughing as she lost air for a few moments.. Ragira speaks,
"The death haze.. he's targetting him.."

Apocalyptia gasped and immediately tried to run out of
that place.

"Where are you going?" Jesvire blocked her way.

"We need to save him! What kind of justice is there if
he's powerless and innocent right now then he gets
Apocalyptia yells in Jesvire's face.

"Let her go, Jesvire. We must protect our brothers too."
Andromeda shut her eyes.

"But he's--" Jesvire was about to say something.

"There needs to be justice and I shall protect it"
Apocalyptia says and pushes Jesvire aside.

"I'm so sorry my sisters, please destroy me"
Ragira hands over the fire stone embedded on her chest,
if destroyed, she will lose all her flames.

"You are not to be blamed, Ragira." Andromeda gently
caresses Ragira's cheek, not minding the fire.

"The Death Haze is truly fearsome, that even our sister

Lyvian Aqua lost to him. All fire power, water, wind,
and many more are under his control. The sage, the
haze, he is the ace of his race. Elemental Hayce,
Death Haze. Whichever it is, we can be easily defeated
if your ability focuses on one of the elements."

Andromeda speaks as if preaching to all the storms
present in the crystal-blue room.

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