Enter The Gate Keeper

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Enter The Gate Keeper

"What do we do about those people
  who witnessed the Storm's strength?"

Alistair asks Juha as they go back to where
everyone else is.

"Should I revert the state of their minds,
Yuha tilts his head as he asks.

"Let them be." Juha decided.

"I don't want to steal their memories.
  I know how to feels to not know anything.."

Algaia looks down as she says so, she doesn't
want to lie to her friends.

"Algaia.." Alistair mutters his name and stares
at her. He then smiles and walks up to her,
"You're a very wonderful friend."
He told her with his sincere feelings.

"Well.. I never had friends up until now"
Algaia would fluster a bit every time he talks to her,
she replied with a smiling face.
"(Come to think of, I never would've had
  any friends if he didn't show up)"

"(However... something about Hayce is
   bothering me too much.)"
Juha thinks to
himself as he stares at Hayce from a far.

"What happened?" Nile appeared behind
Algaia and everyone else.

"(What the-)" Juha suddenly turned around.

"N-Nile-kun.." Algaia looked at him.

While Alistair glares at him in silence while
Yuha would keep up his usual welcoming smile.

"(This guy, Hayce and Hellios.. you're all
  on my watch.)"
Juha glares at him as well.

In the end, they had to talk to everone who
witnessed everything. Lucifer, Iris, Cannon Hayce and
also to the others. They swore to never tell the tale.

"Right. It's time to see what the memories
  inside this frozen enigma are about."

Algaia said as she took a deep breath, surrounded
in a circle by everyone else.

"What happens..?" Lucifer wonders.

"This is interesting" Cannon mutters as
they all watch what would happen next.

"Remember for me" Alistair whispered.

Algaia nodded.

She closes her eyes as she feels the
frozen enigma return the memories to her...


"What is this?" She asked.
"A present." Alistair said.
"From?" She asked again.
"From your father." He answered.
"Really? This looks amazing." She said
as she held the magnificent looking weapon,
a long heavy spear.

The weapon glows reddish orange, as if
it were magma. The moment she held on
to it, flames bursted out on its end.

The goddess of war, Athena and many other
gods stepped out as they had been summoned
by Alistair himself.

"I had many brilliant Gods give their blessings
  to this spear. Not only Gods, but some diablos too.
  It is a very powerful spear.. made for only you."

Alistair told her with a confident smile.

"That is.. very sweet of you.. thank you..
  and I'd like to visit my father for having
  this made for me."
She said.

Since then, the past goddess of beauty
had that blazing spear, named, "Abyssal Spear"
or "Diabolical Spear of Abyss", anyone it hits would be judged
to oblivion, sent to the abyss. However... when
the goddess ran away and she died in the dream
realm... she fell into the water.. deep inside the ocean...
along with her glorified spear, it felll into darkness...
lost forever and was no longer found.

Falling In Love With A God (ALISTAIRXALGAIA)Where stories live. Discover now