Beginning Of An End

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Algaia's 4th day in the realm of diablos.

She awakens and recalls the happenings last night.
How Hellios was on the verge of tears, begging to
end his own life.

Today, she knew..

Something else different is about to happen again.
She starts to prepare herself.

"Huh.. what's this..?" Algaia feels her own face being
drenched with cold liquid. She touches it with her hands.
"..tears..?" Algaia stares at her hands.

She gasps as she realizes she has been crying since
then. She stands up and finds the nearest mirror
in the bathroom.

"W-Why won't it stop?" Algaia's tears continue to flow.
"It's not Lucian.. what is it?" Algaia keeps looking around
for the source of the explainable happening.


"By the time I touched her lips with mine with a kiss..
the ritual has already began."
Hayce chuckles as they
observe Algaia's sudden changes.

"It's the seed, wasn't it, master?" Terra asks.

"Yeah. It will only bloom in here. Just in time." Hayce responded.

"You're so smart Master Hayce!!" Tetra's eyes sparkles at Hayce.

"That happened in the world of Entrata wasn't it, master?"
Terra asks and only gets a smirk as Hayce's form of response.

Back to Algaia

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" She suddenly saw an image
of her past self in the mirror, but instead of her beautiful face,
she seemed like a ghost screaming for pain.

Algaia starts to get driven mad..
maddened by the sudden rage flowing inside her veins..
She starts running around her own room but no one comes
to her side.. Algaia starts scratching the walls and breaking stuffs.


In her mind was a voice who kept screaming out of pain.


She looks one last time in the mirror and her tears that dried on
her cheeks turned black.

"What.." Her mind is about to go blank.

Before it happens..
She wanted to run.

She slams her own body against the door to exit
and runs with nothing but escaping inside her mind.

Back to Hayce...

"You can keep running my bride.. but I will never let you leave."
Hayce smirks.

"Shall we start chasing the future queen now?" Tetra asks Terra.

"If master Hayce says so." Terra looks at Hayce.

Hayce suddenly stands up. "Don't bother, it's my job to take her."
He says and walks calmly.

"Oh.." Tetra was silenced.

"How devoted is he to her." Terra pouts and looks away as she
mutters to herself.

Back to Algaia

As she runs, she also screams without her knowing.
What she hears inside her mind is actually happening.
..and it was her own voice that was screaming.

"Alistair.." She desperately calls out for him.

"I'm leaving this hell" She says as she runs as far as she
can from the Fire Palace where Hayce resides.

Falling In Love With A God (ALISTAIRXALGAIA)Where stories live. Discover now