Chatper one: Her

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Chapter one

Lilith's POV

"Wow you look nice!"

"Ms. Jung is that you, hahahaha kidding you look nice today."

"Bestie beautiful as always."

I walked across the hallway hearing compliments from my 'friends' while wearing my blue long sleeves, given by my dear cousin, partnered with my dark blue shorts with flower prints, blue tights with white stars and brown boots with 3 inch heels.

I opened the door while wearing my usual cold expression, "Good Morning VP, did you already prepare the things for our Christmas party?" I looked over to our class treasurer, Dwayne. He nodded as a sign that he understood that I'm always ready. That aside I made my way to my seat at the corner of the classroom.

I tried resting for a bit because I slept late last night but god my classmates are so damn noisy.
I guess our adviser isn't here yet. "VP can you help me? Our classmates won't listen to me. I was thinking they would listen to you." Said the class president. I can say he's pathetic but it can't be helped my classmates are hard to handle but I can manage.

"Hey listen up! Go back to your places and be quiet anyone who dares to disobey will be punished." I said not showing any emotion but they can hear it as a threatening voice. They did as I said and a few moments later our teacher arrived with her suitcase, its oddly unusual but I didn't bother to ask.

"Omg Rianna you look so nice, hmm trying to impress Drake?"

I lowered my head in my desk as I heard those annoying conversations of my classmates. All they talk about are their crushes and how they say 'I Love You's to each other, don't they worry about their grades and all.

Today is our Christmas Party but hell I don't feel it. I don't talk that much and when I do its more of harsh words. I'm cold and mysterious. I chose not to socialize with others. "Lilith Ms. Lindy is calling you." sigh another task when will this end, I mean for Pete's sake it a Christmas party and I'm annoyed being called by my English name and not by my Korean name. My name is Jung Cheong Min in Korean while my English name is Raven Lilith Jung. My English and Korean names have different meanings my mom didn't tell me anything about the meaning of my Korean name, but in my English name the meaning is said to be that Raven means the symbol of Death itself and Lilith means night monster. Creepy right? Yeah, that's how my life goes. I'm having a hard time in this school here in Dubai, I need to learn Arabic and my Korean name isn't allowed to be used. Well, except my friends but those friends are in another section.

"Lilith, sorry for disturbing your party.." Miss ,if you only knew it's not even a party for me "I want you to know the next topics we will learn, maybe perhaps it'll help you" Miss continued, I gave her a smile and said, "Oh, is that so? Then, I'll gladly accept thank you, Miss." I may sound plastic (like a hypocrite) but believe me I'm really glad that miss will give me the other topics. In the two weeks break, I can't just possibly slack off, I need to study for my goal.

Miss Lindy gave me the topics and I went back to my classroom. "Jung Cheong Min!!!" A familiar annoying voice called my name before I reached my seat, I looked back and saw him or should I say them in the in front of the door nearly going in to the classroom. I looked at Asher annoyingly and said, "What do you want?" him and the others suddenly walked to me and grabbed (it's more of they dragged) my hand throughout the classroom. I tried to break out but they won't let me go.

Gahh, curse them.

As they carried me through the hallways all was looking at us but all I gave was a glare. They succeeded to drag me to their classroom the moment they let me down I tried to escape but they were too fast and they closed the door and block it. That moment I knew that I just need to stay there for a while.

"Come on Lilith this is your home and we're your family." Maya said as she tapped me by the shoulder. Maybe she realized that almost everyone is at me and she knows that I hate attention. "Maya this is not my home and family anymore. Did you forget that I'm not part of your section anymore?" I said trying to keep the coldness, but memories flashed and an emotion escaped, "Sis, I'm sorry I still don't have a gift."

Lila broke the silence and hugged me. I smiled at her and said "Lila its fine and speaking about gifts, I'm not yet finished with Cloud's." I looked at cloud and he just smiled.

"Raven, it can wait." Asher smiled annoyingly "Ash how many times do i have to tell you not to call me Raven!!" They stopped for a moment and I continued "Its just weird." a slight smile escaped from my lips and before I knew it we were already laughing. Tita Liza placed her arm around my shoulders, Tita means Aunt in Tagalog.

I forgot to mention that I'm half Filipino and half Korean. Here in UAE there's a few Filipino schools and since my mom and step dad works here me and my half-brothers study and live here.

The ones that dragged me here is my family it consists of:
Liza Montreal as the mom
Asher Garcia as the eldest
Rain Dizon as the middle child
Maya Dela Cruz as the youngest

If you look at their birthdates its not really the same order but again its just pure abnormal. And there goes my family, (my family and theirs is combined so we're cousins) , me as the eldest, Cloud Chua as the second, Lila Mendoza as the third, and Zalerie Santos the youngest. And well of course this is only a fake but as long as we care for each other no one can stop us.

"Ahm Lilith?" I was a bit startled by the voice that called my name, "Sir Ace ahm... they kidnapped me!" I said with the 'Please help me get out voice', but Sir just laughed and so did the others and he didn't said anything else.

I looked at my family with a smile "*sigh*" maybe I can get my gifts for them. I turned back and was about to go to Asher to say that I'll get the gifts but to my surprise he was already behind me "What you sigh-ing about?" he said while looking at the others. "It's nothing, ah dude I'll just go get the gifts, ok?" after I saw him nod, I made my way out of their classroom with a smile.

As I walked through the hallways, no one really tried to talked to me, I guess its because of their own parties.

I opened the door and wore my usual cold expression. I know they don't care about me here, so I just ignore them.

I went to my seat and gathered my gifts and letters for them. 'Will they be happy?' I thought to myself. "Lilith, are you smiling?" I didn't notice that a smile escaped and Dwayne is standing in front of me "Shut up or you'll be dead." I gave him a glare and before I knew it he ran away, huh what a scared little boy.

I immediately got out of my classroom and went to theirs. I was about to knock when Tita Liza saw me and asked me to go inside. "You want pizza?" Tita asked and I immediately opened my mouth, I knew she got it duuh pizza is life! 

I saw Lila walking towards me, I also saw her eyes saying 'give me pizza'. "Say ahh..." she had a bite of my pizza and thanked me.

I smiled while talking to TAF its really nice to be with them I mean they're my family, they're my source of happiness and also the reason why I feel sad and lonely...

"Lilith, Something wrong?" Rain asked me, I'm not sure if she noticed that I'm afraid to go back to my section but I hope not, "nahh I'm fine ahm guys, it looks like I've crashed into your party, I better go" shiz I promised not to let my sadness escaped but it did. "Oh is that so ahhh ok bye Cheong Min-unnie." Lila said, it looks like they didn't hear it.

We said our goodbyes but I'm still hoping that they'll stop me and ask me to stay there 'cause damn it's hard being all alone in that section, I can't laugh nor smile like the way I used to, I can't tell anyone what's bothering me, and I can't be with my family.

After all that wishing I finally had to leave. I closed the door after I gave them a smile, I don't want them to worry, just want to see them happy.

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