Chapter three: Leo?

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Chapter three

Lilith's POV

"Lilith, wake up" I got up as my bus mate woke me up, I saw that we were already at my house, "Bye" I waved goodbye and so did he.

I got out of the bus and in to the elevator, I pressed the fourth floor and turned the volume up of my music. *ting* I walked through the hallway and knocked at the door.

When the door was unlocked, I decided to go in, *sigh* I saw my two lil bros, Raxier and Ron, waiting for me near the door. "How's school Raxier?" I asked him, he goes to school but he's still not in kindergarten, he's like in nursery, something like that.

I didnt waste any time and went inside the room then into the bathroom. The bathroom is a weird place to spend your time in, but it's the only place in this freaking hell-hole of a house that I could be myself.

After I got out, I grabbed my phone from the table and opened messenger. I saw some messages before finally opening my conversation with Asher.

I started the conversation with a 'yoh' and a few seconds later he replied with a 'yo'. I dont really remember when did this became our daily routine. It just happened that he understands my point and what im feeling. He helps me solve my problems and in the middle of talking Im always negative and he always gets pissed with that.

It's just this school year is when we finally came to the point where in I realized we are best friends and not just some friend whom I only care about.

Of all my best friends, he's the one i trust the most, telling him almost everything thats happening in my life.

OMYGAHD. He showed me a picture of him and Maya, damn him trying to on my fangirling mode. After some rants, he succeeded in making me go fangirling for him and Maya.

A notification appeared so I decided to check it. Someone had sent me a friend request. I decided to stalk this guy named 'Leo Reid Song'. While scrolling, I accidentally pressed accept. Yeah, stupid me.

'Hi cheong-ie' he messaged me, and I was shocked for a bit. How the hell does he know my name? I mean, my account name is none of my english and Korean name, it's just a character's name in my book.

'Leo, right? Sorry but my name is Rose and not what you call Cheong-ie. Perhaps, a wrong send?' I said trying to be polite, I dont know him so yeah.

'Lies. Your name is not Rose Allison, your name is Jung Cheong Min or Raven Lilith Jung, if others call you. I dont know where did you get the name Rose Allison.' Wha-- how did he? Eh?

'Look, we've met before. I dont think you remember but trust me, we're friends' ME, FRIENDS WITH BOYS? I only had guy friends recently, 'cause I was in an all-girl school before.

Except if I count my kinder years, i had a guy friend before, but it was a long time ago and I forgot how he looked like and even his name, I only remember how he cared.

Despite the war in my mind, my heart decided to trust him.

'Can you please explain, when did we meet? Why can't I remember someone named Leo? Are you here in Dubai?' I had a lot of questions in my head, wanting to be answered but he replied with this 'I'm in the Philippines and I still have school tomorrow. I really want to talk to you more but I need to go. Promise I'll answer all the questions some time in the future. Just wait, my ice princess.' And with that, he made me more curious.

I decided to just focus on my conversation with Asher. I didnt tell him anything about it and talked normally.

Few hours later, my mom arrived so I went to greet her.

Moments later, my step-dad arrived. Him and my mom were giving each other the silent treatment, they were ignoring each other for almost a week now. If you ask me if im suffering; yes, im suffering. Because I always sleep outside the room, but since they werent talking mom had to sleep outside with me and my dad with Raxier who's only 3 years old so he didnt know anything.

After dinner, everyone decided to go to sleep. Except for me of course. *sigh* I hid under the blanket and talked to some peeps, my abnormal family is usually active at this time of the night. It's not a problem for me to talk to them, cause I always sleep late.

'What time will yah sleep?' I asked Asher, he's still not seeing it so I annoyed some other peeps before finally closing the messenger.

Hmmm, I forgot to drink water. I'll just check if he replied after. I sat down and was about to get up when my vision turned black....

And.. Shutdown...


Gahd... My head hurts like hell.

After some moments, I saw myself sitting down. Seriously how did I sleep like this? I saw my phone beside me so I decided to check what time it was.

1:38 AM

Seriously, why did I suddenly fall asleep?....

Shiz! A SHUTDOWN! Gahd..

Lately since September, this keeps happening to me. Its like my body shuts down without me knowing.

Again, I opened messenger and saw Asher messaged me something. He's already offline, I'll just talk to him later.

'Gahhhhh, i cant sleep!!!' I scrolled for some videos that can entertain me.

Fudge, my head really hurts, why cant I just sleep? Oh shoot. I forgot that this Friday was our flight back to Philippines.


As soon as I heard Ron crying, I went under the blanket and let time fly.


"You're gonna lock up yourself in your room again? You keep on locking yourself, why dont yo-----" I closed the door before she continues with her lectures. She's my, what we call maid, we're not really talking cause of her issues with me.

I picked up my ipad and watched some anime. "Kyaaaaa, haruuu!" Im watching FREE and gahdd haru is just soo...kyaa.

Ok, one day left to escape this hell.


"Raven wake up, we're gonna go now" I got up and fixed myself. Sigh, finally. I'm going back.

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