(1) Prologue - EDITED

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Chapter one; Prologue.

"These cupcakes better be frosted by the time I get back." The angry old man calls out in a warning, his harsh voice booming throughout the kitchen while he slowly pulls himself back towards the cash register.

I nod my head so quick that the kitchen around my body blurs for a moment. I spin around to fake the naked cupcakes and roll my hazel eyes in annoyance at my horrible boss.


My eyes begin drooping in tiredness as I swirl the small butter knife around the burning cupcake, leaving just the perfect layer of nice blue icing spread over it.

"It's time for us to go home, Holland." My best friend Crystal explains, obviously noticing the purple bags under my eyes I had previously tried to cover with makeup.

The lack of sleep I am receiving every night due to my neighbours partying every single day - is a horrific amount.

"I'm nearly finished, there's only fifteen more cupcakes." I smile, widening my eyes to make them look like any normal person's would.

"Okay Holl, what's wrong?" While sighing in defeat, I place the butter knife onto the metal counter top and turn around to face my best friend.

Her jet black hair rests calmly on her naturally freckled shoulders, she rests her pale palms on the edge of the counter and relaxes into her body.

"Im running out of money Crystal. I can't even afford dinner some nights. The people next door partying every night just adds onto the stress." I walk over to Crystal and lean my head on her honey shoulder.

"My place is always available Holland, you know that right?" Crystal frowns while running her fingers through my strawberry blonde hair in a comforting manner.

"But your boyfriend is just starting to settle in, I wouldn't want to intrude." I state, pulling my head off her shoulder and looking down at my boots.

"That doesn't matte-"

"What is going on in here?!" Crystal and I jump out of our comfortable positions, standing up into a respectful manner.

"I don't pay you for nothing girls, get your asses up and leave. You're both fired." His pale face reddens up in anger as he points towards the front door ahead of him.

My eyes widen in shock, completely forgetting about the lack of sleep I am now fully awake and alerted. Lucas cannot fire us, after all the shit we have done for him.

"But Lucas, you know I need that money!" I almost begin to cry, but I swallow down that lump of tears forming in the back of my throat and pull on a brace face.

"I don't care if you can't pay your bills! I'm sick of that excuse. Get out of my bakery and never come back!"

"Lucas, you will regret this." Crystal threatens, snatching her leather backpack off the dirty floor and storming past his flour covered body.

"Get out." Lucas turns to me and uses his chocolate eyes to look deep into what seems like my soul. After the bell rings from the front door I know Crystal has left, so I copy.

"I've stayed in this damn bakery until four o'clock in the morning to make some stupid pies that you take all the credit for. I'm glad you fired me." I shove a iced cupcake into his wrinkled face and rush out of the bakery.

I was too drunk on anger to notice every single person in that bakery was watching me in horror, disgusted in my childish behaviour.

"I can't believe he just did that." I stutter out after I reach Crystal sitting on a bench not too far away from me.

"Don't worry, he will want us back sooner or later." Crystal paints her lips red with the lipstick previously stuck up her bra. I laugh and she my head. "Not after what I did."

My best friends tilts her head and looks at me in confusion. "What did you do?" She asks. I shake my head and clutch onto my bag tighter than before. "I'll tell you later."

Crystal pulls me into a tight hug and rests her chin on my head as we sit on the wooden chair outside the bakery. "All we need now, is to be accepted into that acting job."

I smile and remember the competition to be in a new TV series we signed up for, the winners will be emailed tonight. "I'm not getting my hopes up."

"Me neither." Crystal snorts and releases me from her tight grip. "Thank you for trying to cheer me up, but I just want to go home now. Who knows how long I'll have left in it." I frown and stand up.

"You're making me feel bad Holland, do you at least want me to drive you there?" She suggests while standing up with me.

"I just want to be alone at the moment." She nods understandingly and gives me one last hug before walking off to her car and blowing me a kiss.

I walk to my car in complete silence. That job at the bakery was the only thing keeping me together, not having one is going to ruin my life for good.


I finally open the wooden door to my small apartment that releases a loud creaking sound ringing in my ears. I shut the door and lock it, rolling my eyes as I hear the next door neighbours begin starting their shitty music.

After brushing my strawberry blonde hair and cleaning my teeth, I put on my pyjamas and lay in bed in silence.

What did I do to deserve this?

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