(2) The Email - EDITED

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Chapter two; The Email.

Even just the thought alone of being homeless makes my spine shudder in horror. I've lived in this apartment for three years, and not once have a payed a bill on time.

This weekend when I receive another bill for the rent, I won't have enough money to pay for even half of it, considering I won't have been given my weekly pay.

A single tear slips down from my hazel eye to my pale cheek, but I wipe it away and open up the laptop sitting on my bed.

While scrolling through Google Chrome to look for a part time job, a notification pops up on the screen - making me jump in surprise.

It was an email from an unknown account, making me frown in confusion - who sends emails anymore?

To: hollandroden@gmail.com
  From: adamjones@gmail.com


This is Adam Jones writing, and I am here to inform you that I have received your application to be in the new TV series Teen Wolf. I have noticed your academic skills in the college and middle school you attended and have seen your very high (and impressive) grades in acting/drama.

Me and my team would love to offer you an audition to have a full time job as an actress on the new soon-to-be popular TV series Teen Wolf.

If you are interested and would like to accept my offer, I would gladly contact you with more details. Yours sincerely - Adam Jones.

I sit there dumbfounded, re-reading the email over and over again. My heart begins beating faster than ever before as I find it hard to breathe.

Should I accept the offer, or not? What if it's just a virus?

"I don't care!" I scream out to no one in particular, I jump up off my bed in complete excitement. Nothing this exciting has ever happened to me in my life.

I quickly email the person claiming to be Adam Jones back, and explained to him I would gladly accept their amazing offer.

Acting has always been a dream of mine to accomplish, and if it wasn't for my step father I just might have applied for more TV productions than I have now. But he's gone now.

I got an email back around only two minutes after sending mine. Adam told me when the date was to head to the auditions:

DATE; The 24th of October
TIME; 12:30pm
LOCATION; Northridge California HQ

The sound of the next door neighbour's music has been completely ignored by me for the past ten minutes. I only have a couple of days to get ready for the audition.


My dress flies behind me in the wind as I walk out of the apartments and get to my old car, the only thing I own that actually works.

My stomach fills up with nerves and butterflies as I start the engine, the car rumbling with satisfaction as I tighten the seatbelt around my body.

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