chapter 1: preperation

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It was just passed midnight and I was walking silently down the dim halls cloak on, black as night shrouding my body in darkness, the faint glow of my Pip-buck the only thing illuminating the seemingly endless corridor of inky blackness. But I had more than the dark halls on my mind tonight for it is my last preparation night before I leave the prison of a stable and venture into the unknown that lies beyond the sealed steel door. Whatever's out there has to be bett-my thoughts are interrupted as I run into a pegasus with gray fur and a flowing charcoal black mane with read streaks. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I wasn't paying a-"  "don't worry about it friend" she cuts in with a bright smile. "I uh-ev-guhh..." Wow what a charismatic response Nero wait to nail life "what are you doing out this late anyways?" The Pegasus asks tilting her head. Crap, think of something good think of something good "I uh was walking to my room from the bathroom" I said thinking it was the perfect excuse to get me out of here faster, that is until she replied with "really? I was just there I would have seen you." "Uhhh" there I go again with my quick thinking "gotta go bye!" I say as I trot off quickly "huh?"
The Pegasus has a confused look  before shrugging and I assume going back to her room.

I start going down a hall labeled 2B knowing the guard armory is down this way. Hey you never know, from what I've heard the wastes are dangerous...or nonexistent either way I'm not going out there unarmed, especially not knowing what i might be up against out there. Remember, i grew up in the stable i have no idea whats outside. You're born in the stable, you live in the stable, and eventually you die in the stable. But not me. I refuse to die underground living my life for the job I'll be assigned in some room with artificial air. When I pass I want to feel the dirt under my hooves,  and the wind blowing in my mane like the ponies of the past before the war when peace and harmony meant something.

I hear voices coming my way. I instantly  look around for a place to hide knowing they'd ask questions... Storage lockers, perfect! I open a storage locker quite easily and get in as quietly as possible closing the locker door behind me. I quietly gag at the smell of sweaty training equipment, how much sweat do these ponies produce!? I look out the ventilation slots that seem to do nothing about the smell of the small locker to see  the guards walking by chatting about different boring gossip. "Hey did you hear? Apparently somepony is trying to get out of the stable." Said a guard to his partner "I've heard of ponies trying to get in but break out? Stable life is paradise. You just do your job and live safely." I scoff at his statement and mutter "ugh simple minded guards but what are you gonna do"
After the guards pass by I slip out of the locker quietly thank Celestia I don't have to be crammed in there with that rank laundry anymore. I look around and whisper to myself. "Alright the armory isn't used at this time of night" I tread softly to the armoury door quietly and press the button, the door opening with a swoosh. "Heh Alyx came through" i trot in wary of my surrounding environment. I make sure it's empty and go over to a locker like the one I his in, but instead of dirty laundry it held a much more fruitful bounty. A 10mm. Pistol with 15 10mm. Rounds and about three shotgun shells. I slip the weapon along with the rounds and shotgun shells never know if they might be useful later. I walk out of the armoury and close the door behind me. Alright I have about an hour before anyone realizes I'm not in my room so I set off to accomplish my next task. I sneak down the halls clinging to the shadows setting tiny circular devices on the cameras bring careful so that they don't detect me. That would be hard to explain I don't think "oh yeah I was just wondering how the cameras felt" is going to work.

I get my final task for the night done and realize its been almost 50 minutes. Shit! I gallop off to my room hiding the bags in my dresser and jumping into my bed. I stare at the ceiling and think. I'm actually doing it. I'm leaving the stable... Its what my mother would have wanted. She never believed in this place, she wanted to explore the outside world...I promised her she would but she passed before I got the chance to give her her wish. I...failed her. I feel a drop of warm liquid slide down my face. I'll make it up to you. I'll venture into the outside world. For you, for dad, and for me. I swear if its the last thing I do. I'll get out of here. I've spent years planning this and when I see you again I'll have stories to tell. I look at my Pip-buck and go to the countdown the seconds seeming like hours as it ticks to that moment. 49 hours 37 minutes. That's how much time I have left. Until the stable door opens. And after that?... Then I take on the unknown.
Hey sorry if its short this is my first serious story so please don't say I didn't try plus I just got into fallout equestria if you'd like your character in the story please leave a description of  name ,personality, looks, species, gender, sexuality, skills, cutie mark, and anything else I forgot
what do you think will happen next? Will Nero escape the vault and live his dream of accomplishing his mother's?
Will Nero be caught and have to face the overmares punishment?
You'll just have to wait and see! Ooh and also pm ideas for events creatures places ect... They are very much appreciated!
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I appreciate all of it very much
Thanks y'all

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