Chapter 4

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Pj Pov
Last night the boys told me if Sam did not want to come for me to text them. I have know idea what they have in mind so I text them saying Sam did not want to come. I got a reply straightaway that said we will be round your at 4: 30 pack an over night bag for you and your sister. We will tell you the plan when we get there.
That means I have another time to get some work done. The next thing I did was pop my head around my sister door and told her I was going to film a video. I have just finished filming a new video now comes the editing but, I hope I get it finished before the guys come round. I am half way through editing so I decided to make myself a cup of tea. I just uploaded my video on YouTube when my phone vibes. I go to the door and let the boys in and close the door. They stood in a line in front of me.
"Ok so Dan and I will go in the room and try to talk to her into come with us if it get bad we will call Chris and you Pj in to work out what to do next." Phil explains the plan to me. Then him and Dan go into Sam's room.

Phil Pov
Dan and I walk towards Sam's room, we knock on her door we get no reply so we go in. "Hey Sam we missed you yesterday it was very boring with out you."
"Don't be silly you don't need me to have fun I only be a burden on you." She says.
"No you won't. How can we have fun when your not there. We end up sitting around with nothing to do." Dan says.
"Yer come on we really want you to come with us we need you to bring a bit of craziness to our conversation. It's no fun with out you there." I say.
"I will only course something to go wrong. I don't want anyone to get hurt because they know me. I don't want the only people I care about hurt." She shouts as tears run down her face. With that I look at Dan and he goes to get Chris and Pj. "Shh don't say that, it not true." I say trying to came her down. "But it is, look it's already happened once I don't want it to happen again." She shouts with tears streaming down her face.

Chris Pov
I follow Dan into Sam's room. I hear her shouting as I walk towards were she is. As soon as I walk in I walks towards her. "Right that's it. Peej go get you stuff ready. Dan you go help him. Phil will you help me?" I says.
"Sure" Phil says. Peej leaves the room with Dan following behind him. I pick up Sam in my arms and try to comfort her as she cries. "Phil would you mind driving us all to yours and Dan's flat please?" I asked as politely as possible. "Of course I can." He says. With that I walk Sam to the front door. Her sobs had subsided and she had fall asleep in my arms.
As I reached the door, so had Dan and peej. Dan had Peej's bag in his hand. Pj then proceeded to take his little sister from me. We all then left there flat. Phil drove us all to his and Dan's place. On they way Dan and Phil filled us in with what had happened. Pj sat there starring at his little sister with a glimmer of worry in his eyes.
A few minutes later, we had reached the flat. We all got out of the car with Sam still asleep in her brother's arms. Once we all got in side Dan and Phil suggested that we leave Sam to sleep on the sofa while we all play a board game until she wakes up. So peej placed her gentle on the sofa and Dan got a blanket out and placed it on her. It kind of feels like we are all her family and here to look after her. We all sat around the table and started to play monopoly

Thanks for reading I will hopefully get a new chapter up soon
:) :)

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