Chapter 8

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Peej Pov
Once the we arrived at the flat I paid the taxi driver and walk into the flat. The other two trailing behind me. I walked towards the living room and heard a door shut and realized it must be Sam. I turned around about to go make so tea to see Chris awkwardly stood there.
"Peej I need to tell you something. And I think it would be best if you sit down." Says Chris. So I did as he said and sat down on the sofa. He sat down next to me. I then waited for him to continue.
"Ok well it about Sam. Err, it easier if I just show you." With that he got his phone out of his pocket, then gave me his phone so I could read what was on it. Once I had finished reading what was one his phone I said "How do you know this is true?"
"Well I text her and she confirmed it and she didn't want to tell anyone as she did not want to worry anyone." As I took in this new information about my sister I didn't know, I discussed it was time to talk to her. I then got up and walked towards the door.
"Peej be easy on her it hard to tell anyone this especially family." Chris reminded me as I walked towards my little sister room.

I stood there and gathered up the conference to talk to her. Knock. Knock. "Can I come in?" I asked her.
"y-yeah" she stuttered. With her permission I opened the door and went in. I the sat down on the bed next to her. I waited a few minutes before I engulfed her in a big bear hug. "You could have told me. I am and always will be here if you need me. I can help you with anything." I said into her ear. Then I broke the comforting embrace. "When was the last time you ate a meal and kept it down?" I asked Sam.
"8 months ago" she said, as she put her head down in shame. "How about I help you to get back to eating again by starting of with a small thing for breakfast. Once you can hold a small amount of food down we can then try something a bit bigger. I will help you to get back into eating food, but you have to be honest with yourself and me. No more lies. Ok." I said to her. She looked at my face as if trying to find out if I was lying or not. After a couple of minutes she nodded her head. "okay." I bought her into one final big hug, before I got up and left her alone once again.

Another chapter. Yes I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading :) :)

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