chapter 24

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Sam's Pov

It has been two weeks since I have been out of hospital. I have seen my friends a couple of times since. I am however going back to school today. PJ and Chris are going to pick me up and drop me of from now on as they don't want me getting beaten up on my way home from school.

I am right now getting my school uniform on. Once I had gotten changed, I grabbed my bag and all the books I will need for school. I put them it Patrick my pander backpack. I then took Patrick down the hall to the kitchen with me I grabbed myself a banana. I peeled it and took a couple of bites. I was just about to put the rest in the bin just as Peej walked into the kitchen. Don't put that in the bin just yet, try to eat three quartets of the banana before he will take me to school. I just about manage it before I felt like throwing it back up again but I know that if I hold it down then everything will be ok.

Pj and Chris then drove me to school then took me up early into school so know on would see me and hurt me. They would if I was on my own. Once I got their my I saw one of my new friends  Karl who is Jamie's boyfriend. I said goodbye to Pj and Chris and said I would meet them in the car park after school. Me and Karl then walked away from the car park and into the canteen. When we got in we sat down. A few minutes late and Jamie, James and Seph. We talked about everything and anything until the bell rang to tell everyone to go to form. I walk with everyone to form as we are all in the same one.

**Time skip to the end of the day because I am lazy**

At the end of form the others said they would wait with me until Pj and Chris turn up as they don't won't anything else to happen, again. Ten or so minutes after we all reached the car park my brother's car drew up. I said good by to everyone and hoped in the car. When we arrived home safely my Peej asked me to show him my arms. I did he was pleased to see no buses or new cuts on my arms.

I got changed into my pyjamas and did my homework. I had 12 pieces of pasta for dinner. I then went to bed. That is how my week went that same routine. However it is nice to know Pj trusts me a little more on my own.

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