But now...

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Later that day…..

"Peace, my brother!"….. "Dude, totally. Peeeeeace!"….. " Oh yeeeeeah!"

The Fire nation capitol was beside itself in pride over its newfound brotherly love. Almost everybody went around doing amusing, neighborly acts…hugging a tree, giving food to all the hungry, group therapy, free toys, singing sappy songs about peace and love. They were celebrating also. Parades, parties, song, drink…..lots of Drink.

In the Palace, there were two menservants. They were drinking. They were also arguing about some stupid thing or another. They were at the climax of their argument, getting ready to throw punches, when suddenly the first one looked at the second one and said,

"This ain't right! Peace man! Remembur?" . The second one got tears in his eyes.

" Yo shur right….I sorry -hiccup-"

" Is alright -hiccup- Hug me brother!" The two embraced, crying and hiccupping.


" For the Love of Agni." Mai couldn't take it anymore, all this drunken sappiness.

Zuko came walking through the doors, and the two embracing drunken sots stood at attention. "Good afternoon, Mister Fire Lord, Sir!" -hiccup-…-BURP-…

Zuko grew visibly nervous and looked over at Mai "?"

Mai rolled her eyes and dragged her boyfriend out of the vanity hall " Trust me, you don't want to know."

"SOOO." Mai drawled as they walked arm in arm through the grand hall. "Where are we going now?". She asked Zuko, as they turned a corner, heading toward the left wing of the palace. The left wing was wholly unused…..it was an newly finished part of the palace, repaired and refurnished after the damage caused to it in previous times. It was now occupied by the Avatar and his closest companions. Each member had their own room, bathroom, and so on. The rest of the Avatar's forces were stationed around the palace, in the nearby plains. They were also quite comfortably furnished, lots of food, good company, fine tents, warm fires…and bleh.

" We are going to visit the Avatar!". Zuko was about to knock on the door when, It opened.

Katara, the water bender, opened the door and stepped out. Her face lit up as she noticed Zuko." Hi Zuko!".

He smiled warmly at her, " Hello Katara. Is Aang in his room? I'd really like to speak to him."

"Of course, eh….but…Oh! Follow me, he's just outside". Katara giggled and grabbed his hand, she quickly reopened the door and half-dragged him inside.

Mai followed them, annoyed. They went through the little hallway and out onto the porch which led to a gazebo, which led to the royal garden. Aang was there, conversing with the head of the Water Nation army.

"Well, here we are!" Katara's hand lingered in the Fire Lord's, and she blushed, "I'm sorry about what happened to your sister. Really."

Again, he smiled warmly.

Mai looked on, coolly observing that if Katara really was sorry, she would be respectfully wearing the colors of mourning. Not that cute little sarong-styled, sapphire-blue, outfit that played so well on her eyes and figure. Katara noticed Mai's quick look over. She grinned and said, "Oh. I bought it today…..do you think it looks nice? And Suki forced me to come with her to do my hair…how is it?"

'Hm. About time she talked to me. Her hair is….well, quite frankly, I think it sucks but…..'

Mai struggled with herself, she hated this kind of false flattery. She tried to smile. The attempt was pitiful. "Your hair looks…"

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