Hey Do You Remember Last Night...

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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up early to my phone vibrating beside me. I looked around a bit confused as I was on the floor with Jack's head laying on my chest, he looked so innocent when he was asleep. I quickly stopped looking at Jack when I heard the leather on the couch squeaking I looked at everyone passed out every where, some people were half in half out of the bunks. I chuckled as I saw that vinny was curled up on the counter with a bottle of JD in his hands and every one else was on the couches or any where they could find that was comfy enough to sleep on.

My phone vibrated furiously, I saw I had 25 missed calls. What the fuck? The caller I.D came up as Frank Waters “oh shit, Jennifer dad?” answered the next time it rang. Before I could say anything a loud angry voice was on the other end.


“WOAH! Hold up what the fuck are you talking about?” I said a bit annoyed that he just decided to blame this on me.

“you called me last night in a drunken state saying that MY princess is a whore and that she cheated on you” Frank said in and angry but not so loud voice this time. I couldn't be bothered with this shit, my head was killing me and I didn't really care what this douche bag thought of me he was getting the truth.

“you know what Mr Waters, she is a whore. A no good two bit filthy rotten criminal! She didn't care about me, just the shiney presents that I gave her and the fact that im in a band so if you don't mind im going to hang up now, thanks”

before I hung up I could hear him gasp as if he was going to have a heart attack, the thought of his little 'princess' sleeping around. I couldn't help but laugh, 'shit' I thought what the hell happened last night?


Jack's P.O.V

Alex's voice woke me up, Damn was it sexy in the morning- no Jack...ugh I give up ok so I'm attracted to Alex a little so what? I didn't want to open my eyes straight away because I was sacred he might remember what happened last night, even thought he was more wasted than me. He got up and walked over to the kitchen area and sighed, damn I need to pee. I opened my eyes and looked around the place was a mess, well I wasn't surprised. I stood up a bit groggy and heard Alex say

“oh hey Jack, sorry did I wake you?” he had a glass of water in his hand and then downed it and looked at me with smile, he can't remember oh thank god.

“nah it's cool I need to piss anyway” I said with a shaky voice thankful that he didn't remember or if he did he wasn't angry.

“you ok? You look worried” he said. Shit I need to work on my poker face more I looked at him and shrugged as if to say 'yeah i'm good' and went into the toilet. Alex came to the door and said

“i'm not stupid, I know when something is eating away at you. So come on tell me” I might as well just tell him but I will stay in the toilet for it, just in case.

“well last night when were drunk..uh..we kissed” my heart raced I was terrified for his reaction. Then after a short pause I heard his laugh

“thats what you were worried about? Dude its fine we were drunk, as long as you didn't rape me in the process we're cool bro, it was just a stupid drunken kiss”

my heart dropped “stupid” I said quietly. Truth be told I don't think it was that stupid well because I wasn't that drunk and..it was me who kissed him and I just wanted to feel how I felt back when we were 14, when we first kissed in Alex's basement and drunk or not Alex still had it.


“Hey Alex come here a sec!” I said as I slurred a bit and grabbed Alex's arm and by accident threw him to the floor, he just giggled.

“OOWW! You fujcking tick ahahaha” slurred a rather drunk Alex. Every one was laughing at him then I got a crazy idea in my head 'I want to kiss him, like we did in his basement' and since I was a bit drunk I couldn't stop myself from doing what I did next.

I bent down and straddled Alex's torso and ran mu hands up his perfect chest and up his arms and pushed them to the floor. I looked into his brilliant eyes and put my face closer to his so our noses were touching Alex smiling drunkly not knowing or caring what was about to happen, I pressed my lips softly to his and after a couple of seconds he kissed back. Oh my god it was amazing his lips are so soft and gentle.

Then just a quick as it started it stopped as I was yanked off him by Zack who was laughing and said “dude you got your drunk goggles on and think Alex was a hot girl?”

“hahaha yeah must have” I got up and pretended to be more drunk than I actually was and stumbled away.


yeah so there is another chapter. I'm going to be writing another fanfic soon and this one will be about Pierce the Veil so if you like them then I will put in an authors note at the end of one of the other chapters to let you know when I have started it

Kirsty xxx

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