Be mine

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Alex's P.O.V.

I sauntered through the back way of  Warped where only the bands were aloud to get to the other side where I was going to do press. I also had a huge grin on my face because I finally found out that I have feelings for Jack, you know sexual feelings as well as romantic feelings.

What happened back on the bus was amazing. Jack made me cum so hard! I wish I could of done more with him, fuck I need to do more with him. I didn't notice a couple of fans were walking up to me smiling and giggily. " How did you guys get back here?" i asked them a bit confused, they also seemed confused. "we were just walking to the other stage to see Pierce The Veil and we saw you, we were a bit surprised to see you out here on your own actually" I looked around and saw I must have wandered out into the the merch stand areas shit " oh sorry my bad I didn't realise where I was" I smiled a big grin at them they looked at me admiringly and said " can we please get an autograph and a picture?" aww they are so nice "yeah of course you can, but only if you hide me until I get to press" I chuckled and took out a black sharpie that I carry around with me and they gave me their tickets to sign which looked like they had bumped into a few other band members from different bands. then we all took a group selfie and pulled stupid faces. I love my fans so much, whether they are hysterical or chilled out you still know they love you.

"so you wanted us to hide you?" one of the three girls said laughing. " uh yeah like I was thinking I could put my hood up and keep my head down and you guys could walk with me if you wanted, my interview is on the way to where Pierce are playing. The girls lit up and said yes, one of them gave me her sunglasses to put on so it would hide my face a bit more.

I made my way through the crowd successfuly unoticed by the help of the three fans that were with me and made it to my interveiw. I said goodbye and thank you to the girls and gave them one last hug before they ran off giggiling, god i love our fans.

The first interveiw was with buzz net that lasted about a half hour and i was asked the usual questions of how was Warped going and odd random questions, i had to more interveiws with Bryan Stars and Kerrang which lasted about the same amount of time and had similar questions.

To be honest I wasn't really concentrating on the interveiws I was just thinking about what happened with Jack, oh god I wanted to so much further than just basicaly a dry hand Job. I didn't really realise how much i physically wanted him untill he pinned me down on the couch. I just want to kiss him, hold him.

I need to get back to Jack and tell him I love him, because I do know I think about iti always have. Always wanting to be around him, spend time with him and out of anyone i always wanted to kiss him but i didn't know why, I do know though. Fuck hurry up interveiw I need to leave.



I wasstill in the same position as Alex left me after...well i don't actually know what it was, but I want it again, and more of it. I was just going over what had happened, Alex's soft lips on mine his hands running over my body. that actually felt like it meant something, or was that just me? Of couse it was Jack, Alex probably got carried away it is pretty hot today maybe the sun got to him, but that kiss before he left it was so tender, like he wanted more. NO stop Jack it's Alex ok just shut up and go have a shower Geez.

After i had a shower and got dressed in the back lounge i walked out into the front lounge and ruffeled my hair, then i saw someone standing in front of me. I looked up, it was Alex with quite an anxsious look on his face. We just stood there looking at each other in silence for a bit then Alex said

" Umm hey i really need to talk to you, and before you say anything just let me finish first" I look at him a little scared at what he is going tosay and he continues with.

" Okay, I've kind of had a sudden realisation of...umm...shit you know what im just going to say it"

Oh fuck fuck fuck, he is going to scream at me because he realised he made a mistake and the band is gonna break up oh god no!

"I love you Jack"

oh thats ok-- wait, WHAT? I stare at him in shock.

" You, you love me?" is all I'm able to say as i watch the brown haired boy walked closer to me and take my hand.

" Yeah I just realised that, well i always have and it would kill me if i couldn't have you in every way possible. As a bestfriend and..Boyfriend"

oh my god, Boyfriend, he wants to be my Boyfriend? my face lights up and i manage to reply to him.

" Thisis awesome! I've been having thesame thoughts and feelings for a while now but i was too scared to say anything to you and I want to be your Boyfriend too" I start to smile like crazy as it felt like a weight was lifed of my shoulders. Then Alex moved in closer with a sexy smile on his face and said.

" Good, then it's official. You my boyfriend and I'm yours"

My heart fluttered and i was smiling from ear to ear as he pulled me close and planted a long passionate kiss on my lips before pulling away and saying.

"come on lets go find the others"

he pulled me by the hand out the door, what are we going to tell the guys? are we ever going to tell them? shit will they be okay with it?


So hey, Iknow its been forever since i uploaded another chapter and im sorryabout that i have no reasonable explanation :( and imalso sorry that this might be a bit short but i tried, its 1 am so dont kill me....i dont even know what im saying.....i need sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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