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"MUMMA HOOD WERE HOME" ash, Mikey and Lukey said all at the same time, there like the triplets of the shining....

"Hello boys, here for band practice I see" she said quite sweetly, I mean you could obviously tell because the boys had there guitars and shit with them....

"Who might this beautiful lady be cal?" Mumma hood asked awe isn't she just a cutie "hi I'm Fae I'm new to town" I said quite shyly

"Nice to meet you, I'm going out with liz have fun tonight guys" she said walking out the door

"So now that our mums are going out I guess I'm staying here" Luke said

Oh so liz is mummy hemmo oh ok I get it :)

*call from: Beau that sexual slut (;

"What's up slut" I answered the phone earning a few glances from the boys "nothing much faggot how's life in Sydney?" He asked "eh it's all good Beau-Bear I made friends" I said smiling whilst cal mouthing 'who's dat?' "An ugly cunt like you made friends?!" Luke yelled in the background "oi how many fucking times do I have to tell you I hate that word" I say giggling I miss these assholes.

I put it on speaker phone "HEY FAE DIS YOU GET THE UGGS I SENT YOU?" daniel asked "yes skip I got the uggs" I say giggling at that moment I think cal, ash, Luke and Mikey figured out who I was talking to.... Lets just say the look on this faces was priceless (; "well I have to go love you Fae- Bear" beau said "awe ok bye Beau-Bear love you to xx" I said in to the phone as I hung up

"I. Cant. Believe. You. Know. The. MOTHER FUCKING JANOSKIANS" they all screamed in sync

I swear they all get together before we meet up and rehearse what there going to say in sync ok

"Well we got no practice done" ash said

"Movie night at mine?" Michael said

"Yeah" everyone agreed when we got to michaels I realised that he lived across the street from me

"Alright fags what movie are we going to watch?"

I asked, I'm really starting to like it here-

"PARANORMAL ACTIVITY MARATHON" you guessed it in sync

Well..... Fuck

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