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"So the lion fell in love with the lamb" *annoying twilight music*

"Why are we even watching this?!" I ask getting annoyed with Kristen Stewart's face.

"I don't know, I thought girls liked twilight" Mikey said "well you obviously don't hang around with many girls" I said smirking "hey!" He said tickling my sides.


I was kicking my legs and may have not purposely hit Michael in the balls...

He groaned and fell off the lounge on to the floor pulling me down with him, I some how ended up underneath him...

"Owwwwww" I groan holding my rib after he rolled off me "I think it's broken" I said.

He lifted up my t-shirt to see my left rib cage swollen and turning purple "oh fuck" he said "babe I'm so sorry, just imaging what cals going to say" he says laughing.

(omg so this actually happened to me :((( my friend ash broke my rib like this, now it sticks out! K bye)

"We can't go to the hospital" I said "why not" he argued picking me up and taking me to the kitchen "take it off" he said gesturing to my shirt "they will think you assaulted me, I mean look at my neck" I said.

"That takes a whole new meaning to 'having a domestic'" he said giggling, and to be honest, I died at that moment that was actually the cutest thing!!!

"Well aren't you glad I know first aid" he says wrapping my ribs with bandage "ow" "sorry" he says and pecks my lips.

"Hey gu- AH OH GOD OH GOD NO MY EYES AHHH" ash practically screams as he walks in to mikes kitchen

"What's goi- AH NO DAMN IT NOT AGAIN FUCK" Calum yells I should explain, I few days ago before the whole zack thing cal had walked in to Michaels room and interrupted a VERY heated make out session, to the point where we were only in our under-wear...

"FOR FUCKS SAKE PUT SOME GOD DAMN CLOTHES ON" Luke screams "guys she has a bikini on and shorts" Lacey points out "THANK YOU" I say getting of the bench and wincing, I grab my shirt and attempt to put it on... But it hurts "FUCK" I yell and throw it on the floor death glaring it.

"What happened" Lacey asked "I um broke my rib" I said looking at Michael while he laughs to him self "god how many times have I told you guys no more rough sex" cal laughs "stop being a cunt" Luke says and we all burst out laughing even lace.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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