Voodoo Doll (5sos FF)

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"Mmmmuuuuuuummmmm do I have to go to school I don't want to start over" today was my first day at Norwest high school, I just moved from Glenroy in Melbourne, and was not loving Sydney BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW ANYONE!!!!!

"Shut up fae-fae and go to school" urgh I hate it when mum calls me fae-fae

"Mum can I not just stay with Beau?" I asked "No" was all she said before she pushed me out of the car.... In a loving way....

I walked to the office fiddling with my short maroon shorts, I have to say this uniform is better than the Glenroy High uniform...

"Excuse me Miss I'm not quite sure where I'm meant to be its my first day" I said to the not so nice looking lady behind the desk.


"Sorry marina won't happen again" he said smiling "well since you're here you can show the new girl Kaitie around" "it's fae" I corrected her, I really don't like her.

"Hi I'm Callum" he said as he lead me down the hall "fae" I said "do you have you're timetable?" He asked "um yeah here" I said handing my timetable "YAY we have all the same classes" he said a little to excited "oh cool" I said plugging in my head phones

"Are you shy cause I'm not" he stated "um kind of I'm just not to fond of moving schools half way through the term ya know" I said looking up at him, why is he so tall and attractive?!

"Oh where did you move from?" He asked "Glenroy in Melbourne" I said "OH MY GOD DO YOU KNOW THE JANOSKIANS?!?!" he asked oh god here it comes "um yeah I grew up with beau, Luke and jai" I said the look on his face was priceless, his smile stretched from ear to eat awe isn't that cute

"I'm guessing you're a fan- wait Janoskianator" I said "um maybe" he said as his cheeks flushed pink.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked "home room" he said like it was the most obvious thing.

When we arrived at home room he lead me up the back of the class to two boys

"Hey cal, who's this lovely lady with you" the one with black hair with blue in the front said "Michael this is fae" "hi" I said shyly "this is Luke" Callum said pointing to a blond smiling at me.

The first 2 periods dragged on for what seemed like days, because we have such a small year 11 group we all have the same classes together, I really like hanging out with these guys there fun but I don't think I can open up to the just yet...

It's now lunch because we had 2 free peroids cool :)

"Hey fae do you wanna come meet our friend Ashton" cal asked "yeah sure" we started walking towards maccas "oh how I missed you" I yelled hugging one of the piller out the front "A FELLO MACCAS LOVER" Michael came and joined me hugging the piller, wow we're a strange bunch.

We walked in to McDonolds and ordered our food I had a Big Mac with an extra patty and bacon with a thick shake, everyone just stared at me "what?" I asked as we waited for our food "I'll have the same" Mikey said once he heard my order.

"The party don't start till I walk in" a boy with blond curly-ish hair with bangs said as he walked over to our table

"Hey ash"

"Hey Ashton"

"Hey babe"

The last one came from Michael ok..... "Mashton FTW" Ashton said "CAKES BETTER" Callum said

"Annnnnd I'm lost" I said

"Well hello beautiful I didn't see you there and who might you be" Ashton showing of his dimples oh my god you could swim in those dimples

"Fae?" Someone said waving there hands in front of my face "uh what oh sorry hi I'm Fae" I said waving awkwardly

"You look familiar" ash said "I've seen you on YouTube" he said oh god not another one "you're in the Janoskians videos" Ashton said "yep that's me" I said awkwardly "you seem different on camera you swear a lot and make a lot of rude jokes" cal said "it's cause I'm not use to being with you yet... And do you's little stalkers just sit on YouTube stalking me on the janoskians videos?" I asked

"To be honest the only reason why I've been so quiet is cause I'm a really big fan" Luke said awe awe awe thats the cutest thing

"Awe lukey you don't have to be shy" I cooed ok so I was starting to warm up to them

"Ok so we have officially missed last period so back to mine" I said "yeah sounds like a plan" they all said in sync... Creepy

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