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I woke up in finns room with a killer hangover "mmmmmmmmm" I moaned sitting up on the bed (falling on to the floor and hitting my head) "mother of god" I said looking at my reflection I had purple hickeys all down my neck and my hair looked like an animals nest, not to mention I didn't have a shirt on 'oh well' I thought to my self as I grabbed Michaels off the floor.

I walked down stairs to find everyone eating breakfast already "good morning" I mumbled getting some fruit loops mmmm sweet sugary goodness "is that mikeys T-shirt?" Cal asked "uhh yeah it was on the floor" I said nervously "what's it doing on the floor?" ash asked with a smirk "I threw it there" I said winking "we'll you can obviously tell that, I mean look at your neck" jai said, well shit beau gave me a look of dis-approval "I'm going back to bed" I said taking my food with me.

I walked upstairs back to Finns room to see Michael already awake and on my phone um?

"Morning beautiful" Mikey said as I sat down on the bed eating my cereal "do you wanna go for a walk" he asked "um yeah let me get changed" I said walking in to my room and getting changed in to high waisted acid wash denim shorts with rips an American flag low cut singlet and black high top cons, I then attacked my dip died brown and blond hair with a straightener and applied eye liner mascara and foundation, yay done I come down stairs to see Michael had gone home to get clothes and changed into tight black jeans and a Rolling Stones tee, god he's attractive.

I grabbed my phone an we walked out the door saying good bye to everyone.

"So where are we going" I asked him "we are going to my special place" he said smiling "does this special happen to be McDonolds" I ask smirking "yes, BUT then were actually going somewhere special" he said smiling down at me, did I mention that I'm like a head shorter than him!!!! What the hell?!?!?!

After we got food we went to this little park with a little swing set it was the cutest thing.

"I use to come here all the time when I was a kid" he said as I sat on the swing, he started pushing me it was the cheesiest thing,

"This place is so cute" I said smiling.

We ended up staying till it was dark, we talked about anything and everything it was the best day, I was falling for Michael harder and harder everyday.

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