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Okay, so I've been tagged by
ilovebooks181 . Thanks.
So, here we go.

1) You have to post ALL the rules.
2) You have to tag thirteen people.
3) Each person has to say thirteen things about themselves.
4) You have to answer all thirteen questions and make new questions for the people you tag.
5) Please don't skip tags.
6) Tag backs ARE allowed.
7) If I tag you and you don't do the tag within a week, you will have to do something I tell you.
8) Be creative with the title.
9) Put it in a book, not the comments.


13 things about yours truly:

1) I memorized a children's book when I was 1, and could recite it from memory turning the pages at the exact moment, a few months later I started being able to read.

2) I'm short for my age. 4'11'' at 14 years old.

3) I was a high-school reading level when I was nine years old (5th grade).

4) My favorite Percy Jackson character is .... Percy Jackson!

5) I ship pretty much everything...

6) I don't understand dirty jokes.

7) I have dark brown, almost black hair with a few auburn highlights that are a bit hard to see... I also have dark brown eyes, again almost black...except one is a lighter color, a bit darker than chocolate color, I also have tan skin.

8) I'm very gloomy, but I hide it with my 'happy mask'.

9) As of two weeks ago, my appetite has plummeted, and I feel like throwing up if I eat more than one meal a day.

10) I absolutely LOVE to read.

11) I've never been stung before.

12) If I were a demigod I'd be a daughter of Poseidon.

13) I wish that my ball point pen that have Riptide engraved in them that I got for Christmas would turn into a sword if I took off the cap.


Questions by ilovebooks181 :

1. What country do you live in?

- I live in America.

2. Favorite author?

- Rick Riordan, no doubt.

3. What book are you reading right now?

- Right now, I'm reading To Kill A Mockingbird.

4. Favorite food?

- Mmmm...Probably Spinach and feta cheese Lasagna.

5. Favorite candy?

- Oh that's easy! Blueberry sour strings.

6. Favorite song?

- Ah, that's hard... Either "Oh well, Oh well" by Mayday Parade, or "Human" by Christina Perri.

7. Favorite YouTube channel?

- I don't watch YouTube...

8. Top five books?

- Gosh that's hard... Ugh, why do you do this to me?????
I guess the five books in the first Percy Jackson series.

9. What grade are you in?

- I'm in 9th grade.

10.  If you had to burn one book out of your top five(and never see or read it again) which would it be?

- NOOOOO!!!! You can't do this to me!!!! This is evil!!!!
Um😰...uh😰😰...gosh😰😰, the....The Sea of Monsters. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. WHY????!!!!!!

11. Have you ever read Cinder?

- No, I haven't.


Now time for questions by yours truly.

1) Do you have any siblings?

2) Do you have any pets?

3) Do any of your friends use Wattpad?

4) What is your favorite sport? (I consider band and cheerleading a sport as well.)

5) Do you like the Percy Jackson books?

6) What's your favorite TV show?

7) Do you have good grades? (You can put 'pass' as your answer if it's too personal.)

8) PJO or HOO?

9) Team Percy or Team Leo?

10) Team Leo or Team Nico?

11) Team Hermione or Team Annabeth?

12) Soft candy or hard candy?

13) Why do you read?


Alright now I have to tag people.


Alright. If you don't do the tag then you have to...um...pm me that you aren't going to do it, then I'll talk you what I want you to do instead...yeah, that'll work I guess. Sorry for tagging you.

And for my readers, I am working on a new chapter. I wish I could've updated sooner, but I've been busy and very tired lately so I'm going to be updating pretty slowly for a bit. Expect an update this weekend. So sorry! Happy Friday! Or whatever day it is where you are!!!

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