Before You Read...

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Before you begin reading, you may want to know a bit more about me, if not, just continue with what you were reading.

2. I am still a student.

3. I am a dancer.

4. I won't tell you my real name, for my own safety, but I really like the name Ellie. So you can call me Ellie and that's the name I'll end each chapter with.

5. I'm super friendly and I love feedback (as long as you're not hating).

6. My favorite colour is Sea Foam or Turquoise.

7. I LOVE Canada! Ohhhh Caanaadaaaaa!

8. I have tons of great ideas if you're looking for topics to write on.

9. I've been on Wattpad for about a year.

10. I plan to write tons more stories in the future.

Well, that's pretty much it. I may update a little inconsistent in the beginning as this is my first book and it will take a bit of time to fall into routine of writing. Hopefully I'll be able to update once a week and maybe twice if I'm really feeling productive.

Hope you enjoyed getting to know me,
Ellie ;)


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