Chapter 2

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     School was as boring as always. Listening to teachers talking about World War 300 or whatever, reading a book about ham by some Shakecircle guy, and then lunch.

     Lunch can be a blessing or a curse. A blessing because teachers stop talking about ham (which made her very hungry), but it can be a curse because well... you'll find out.

     Kayla walked into the cafeteria as usual, flaked with her admirers. She hope to impress her boyfriend Andrew by sashaying over to their lunch table, but Andrew was not looking at her, in fact Andrew was not even in the cafeteria!

     Determined to find him, Kayla checked everywhere; the music room, the football field, she even asked one of her guy friends to check the locker room!

      Finally, she found him in the library... along with a giggling Natalie. They had a book in front of them. It looked as if he was tutoring her. Kayla decided cut their 'study session' short.

      She marched up to the table they were at and slammed their book closed. They didn't even pay attention to her. She turned Andrew's chair so it faced her.

"Hey Kay, what's up?"
"What's up?! What's up is that I caught you with another girl, albeit my best friend."

"I was just tutoring her, she has this huge--"

"Save it, we all know that her grades are as high as Mitch Grassi's voice!"


     With that, she stalked off. Little did she know that this was all apart of Andrew's plan.

Sorry I haven't updated in so long... though, not many people read this anyway. I'm thinking that I'll update once every two weeks so that I can guarantee that I actually do update. Hope you liked this chapter!

-Ellie ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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