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         No matter who you asked at Westbrook High School, they would all tell you the same thing about Kayla. She was the most athletic, gorgeous, popular, smart, helpful, rich, and unique girl in the whole school.

        But that wasn't it. She was the Captain of the Swim Team, Track Team, and the Mathletes. She was also the President of the Music club because she could naturally play the harp. One time, she even tried to start a gardening club, but not many people were excited to talk about grain for 45 minutes.

     As if that wasn't enough, Kayla was easily the most popular advice-giver in the whole school. Everybody came to her for advice. I know what you must be thinking. She must be the nicest person on Earth! That's where you're wrong.

      Kayla doesn't have very many real friends. You know, the kind you can tell anything to. Yup. That's the one. The only real friend Kayla has is Natalie, but we'll talk about her later.

      Kayla grew up as a spoiled, rich kid. As you can imagine, this affected her personality greatly. She was one of those kids that were always talking about their new Holiday Barbie that came a year in advance.

      She was your average cliché Queen Bee. The snobby girl who is always spreading rumours about your best friends and bragging about how much money she has. That's right. That girl was Kayla.

      At home, things were different. Here's the thing. Those people she called her parents, weren't actually her parents! Her mother died at her birth and her father was never to be seen. She was lucky enough to be adopted into a (very) wealthy family. Her foster mom, Rachel, was a doctor who owned her own very popular clinic. Her foster dad, Caleb, was a Latin teacher at a private school in the area. They'd already inherited a fortune because Rachel's father had invented Nutella, but they got jobs like normal people anyways. They mostly donated their earnings.

      That's why Kayla doesn't have many real friends, she doesn't want people to know about her dilemma at home, and that her family isn't perfect. Well, that and the fact that all people want to do is be popular. Apparently, being "friends" with Kayla really boosts you up the food chain.

      Natalie was different though. She had been friends with Kayla since Pre-School, before Kayla was popular. They talked to each other about anything and everything.

That is, until one peculiar day.

Oh my gosh. I can't believe how terrible and boring this chapter turned out to be.

Sorry for not updating sooner, I kinda forgot I had a book to write.

Hopefully next chapter will be more exciting instead of imformative.

Thank you for reading.



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