Chapter 1

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**A/N: I forgot to mention something last chapter. Kayla's boyfriend is the Captain of the Football Team.*

The day started off as any other. Kayla waking up, still flawless. No makeup. No straightener. No curler. Still flawless. With her long, dark brown hair and blue eyes, it was hard not to be.

She got changed and started to walk down the stairs until she heard voices.

"I'm telling you! She has to be one! I've been observing her ever since she came to this house. There is something different about her. "

"So now it's your job to observe our kids?"

Kayla sighed in relief. They were just her parents. But what were they talking about? It had to be Kayla, she was their only daughter amongst three boys.

Not wanting to hear anymore of what they were saying by eavesdropping, Kayla quickly rushed down the rest of the stairs before anyone could say anything else.

"Good morning Mom, Dad. Is there something that you should be telling me?" As you can probably tell, Kayla was the kind of person to get to the point.

"Not really. Unless you count that we finished your favourite cereal." Her mom said chuckling.

"Alright then," Kayla said "I'll just go to school now."

"Without breakfast?" Her dad asked.

Kayla ignored that last question and began to get ready to be a super spy.

She stealthily walked around her parents and tiptoed up the stairs. Kayla entered her room. She quickly spotted her 'Secret Spy' kit that she had received for her birthday when she was nine.

She grabbed the door-listening thingymabober.  Kayla quietly went back down to her living room. She pressed the whateveritscalled to the wall. She heard the same voices speaking again, but this time, they were measly talking about bills.

I've missed my chance. Next time, I have to remember not to interrupt them.

And with that, she left for school.
Hope you liked this chapter! I apologize for the extra long wait. As I've previously mentioned, I'm a student. And students have responsibilities. Such as homework. Ew. Unfortunately, these couple of weeks, I've had lots of it. It's still not the best that I've written, but I think that it will suffice. Have a nice day!



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