Chapter 6

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Pic is Eli 


All day long random people have been coming up to me saying that I had some guts talking to Caleb the way I did. I honestly didn't see it as some big thing and I was kinda getting embarrassed from all the attention I was getting especially at lunch.

As soon as we walked in the cafe so many people looked at us and were still telling me about this morning. I turned red and gave everyone that said it a small smile then sped over to a table and sat down

"Well I guess Caleb is a more pain in the ass at this school then I thought" Cece said

I nodded my head agreeing then I felt a pair of eyes on me and when I looked up Caleb was staring at me, I glared at him and rolled my eyes

"What's with the face?" she said

"Caleb is staring at me" I said annoyed

Cece turned around and flicked him off. That made me laugh a little bit, but not enough to make me feel better about the situation. We continued to talk until I looked at my phone and it was 10 minutes until my next class started, so we walked to our last three classes of the day.


I finally got out of my lab and I couldn't have been more relieved to want to go to my dorm and sleep. I rushed out of the building and sped walk through the courtyard, but was soon stopped by the one person I didn't want to see ever again while I was here at William U.

"Can we please talk?" Caleb said

"No, we can't . I don't like you" I stated

He looked at me, but didn't smirk "Please Abby, I'd like to explain everything and maybe even start over without any of the games" he said looking me dead in the eyes

I tried to see if he was lying to me, but I found nothing that indicated that he was.I still don't trust him as far as I could throw him, but I gave a large sigh then nodded

"Fine, but if you pull any mess. I will hurt you"

He showed me his signature smirk "I'm not afraid of you, but I completely get it" he chuckled a little bit "You're cute when you're mad"

I rolled my eyes at him "Are you gonna explain your side of things or flirt with me?"

"Both" He said, I started to walk away but he just grabbed my wrist lightly "I'm just playing, come on we'll go somewhere and sit down"

He let go of my arm and started walking to the front of the school. I followed him out of school and then he started walking to a car; it was a black cherry colored Cadillac. I had to admit it was really nice. The inside of the car was a beige cream color with mahogany wood lining. I had officially fallen in love with his car and when he turned the car on and pulled out of the school parking lot I fell in love with it even more.

He drove for a few minutes and as he was driving I watched the scenery go by of all the Washington trees.

We didn't talk much on the drive and when he stopped at a pizzeria, he parked and got out of the car. I opened my door and followed him inside the building. Walking inside the building, I immediately felt a sense of comfort and it also smelled like pizza, which was amazing. I looked around the parlor; it was more of a sports bar with some TVs hanging on some of the walls, pictures of regulars that have visited before and then I saw a couple of older men sitting around a table playing poker. Caleb walked over to the older men and hugged one of them, the man said something to Caleb and they both looked at me.

Caleb looked like he was a little embarrassed, but then motioned me to come over there. I walked over to the table and smiled at the men.

"Hi, I'm Abigail" I said stretching out my hand

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