Death In Dunwall

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"Mommy?" He 5 year old me said years ago. I walked the streets of Dunwall, in search of my mom who had left our run-down apartment an hour ago. It had been me and my mom for as long as I could remember. My dad and older brother had died from the rat plague just months ago, so it was up to me and mom to take care of the apartment. But she was gone for an hour today, when she always comes back within 30 minutes, so I began to worry. I went down stairs to Bottle Street to search for my mother, and I looked for hours and hours, but when I found her, it was not how I expected.

I got to the corner of Bottle Street, near the Distillery, when I saw my mother lying there, in the middle of the street, with her carcass having a single stab wound through the throat. Being so young, I ran over to her and knelt down near her. I tried to shake her awake, but failed, and then I sit there, sobbing over my dead mom.

After what seemed like hours, I carried my mother back to our apartment, hopping that she'd wake up soon. That wouldn't happen though.

I took care of the house, just as mommy showed me, and I even cooked for myself. But one day I ran out of food, so I had to go out again, in search of food. I found an old stash someone had made years ago, and I took as much as i could carry. I made multiple trips, but on the last trip, on the way back, I felt a chill go down my back. I ignored it, and hurried back home.

When I got home, the door was open, and I was sure I had closed it. I walked in, and found that all my belongings had been taken, including the newfound supplies. I began to panic, and grabbed my only weapon, a sharpened stick, and went to a corner of our one-roomed apartment, ready to attack in case the invader came back.

I waited for a while, then decided that they weren't coming back, so I go and lay next to my mothers corpse. I always sleep with my mother, even after she died, because I couldn't bring myself to throw her rotting body out the window. I didn't care if I got the plague, I just wanted to be around her.
In the middle of the night, I jolted awake to a loud noise at my front door. I grabbed the stick again, and opened the door.

Nothing was there.

'I must be crazy...' I thought. I closed the door, and turned around. I thought I saw something in the corner of my apartment, but when I went over, there was nothing there.

I began to become paranoid, circling the room again and again, until I had to sit down on our only chair, and I dosed off due to extreme exhaustion.

I awoke in a different place than my own, and when my senses came back I was strapped into a metal examining table, and it smelled like anithstetic. Not knowing what to do, I began to cry and wail, hoping someone would notice me.
A city watch guard walks in, and says words, that at the time, I didn't know what it meant, but I know now that it was curse words and other words.

The guard grabbed a scalpel and held it to my face. He then ran the knife along my wrist, and put a cup under my cut, collecting some of my blood. I shivered, but the pain from the deep cut made me scream in pain and desperation to get out of there!

The guard looked at the bloody glass, and said, "Another Plauge victim... Its a bummer that she's a child.... Better ship her off to the Flooded District...." He then faced me. "Sorry little lady, but your blood has gone black with the Rat Plauge. I'll have to take you to the Flooded District. You can live out the rest of your days there." He chuckled.

I kept quiet, and just stared into his eyes that showed no pity or emotion. I wiggled, trying to get free of this stupid metal table, but once again failed when the cuts pain came back.

Another guard came in. "So, how's the kid? Does it need to be shipped off?"

"Yes, and quickly. The thing doesn't look good."

The second guard nodded, then unhinged me, and carried me to a rail car station. They took me to a remote room in the building, and they just sat me down on the cold, hard, wet floor. I tried to move, but I found that I didn't have the strength to even lift a finger.

After what seemed like hours of just laying there, a Lower Guard came and knelt down besides me.

"Hey... I am really sorry, but I was told to do this, please forgive me. I would never do this to a child, but they said they'd slit my throat if I didn't. I am sorry." He was almost in tears.

What did he mean?

He stood up, and took out his sword. He held the point right at my poor little infected body, and said "I'm sorry" for one last time.

The last thing I can remember was the sword coming straight for me, and a flash of white light.

I had become just one more body bag to dump.

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