Friend or Foe?...

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Dark. Just darkness.

And..... Something squishy..... Ew.

I try to stand up, but my head collided with something above me. My head began to throb, and then I notice the loud noises coming from below me, almost like metal screeches. I was going in some kind of car thing, and I was trapped in a lightless metal holding chamber full of.... Something.

All I know is it's squishy, wet, and it reeks to high heaven. What ever it was, I needed to get out, but I had no idea how!

I was drifting off into a sleep, and I just let myself drift off. It was calming to rest for a while.

Soon, the ground fell from underneath me, and I was dropped from my sleep into the air.

"Oh that such a nice way to wake up....." I mumbled. Having practiced this beforehand, I went into a good position, then manifested a mattress below me. I fell down onto the mattress, and flipped off of it landing nicely on the ground.

Or atleast what I thought was the ground...

I looked down, only to see rotting corpses wrapped in cloth beneath my feet.

EWWWW! Gross!

Once again, I had my feet in bodies....... Geez.

After having an internal fit about the squishy situation, I snapped back and focused my mind on the task at hand: get Corvo's heart, whoever that was. But before I could even get close to doing that, I had to get out of here, and find out where he was.

"Better gather some info on this Corvo guy..." I said in a pissed-off tone. "You could have atleast told me something!"


Now... How the heck am I supposed to find my way around when there's a ton of water and corpses blocking my way? My best bet is to wonder around I guess. I searched for a while, then I was surprised to see another living being in this abandoned area.

It was a man wearing an all-black chemical suit with the accompanying muzzle mask, and he was on a perch made of scrap metal with a sword in hand. Since I was getting sick of being the only person in this flooded place, I decided to approach the suited man.I swam for a bit, then used my teleportation to blink over behind him in a few strides.

Trying not to scare the man, I tapped on his shoulder and said "Hey, ummm... Excuse me sir... But cou-."

I was broken off by the fierce pain of a crossbow bolt entering my abdomen, and I fell back onto the perch.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" A husky voice said to me through the muzzle-mask.

"Eh-hem.. Could you p- *cough* please remove the b- *hack* bolt from me? I can an- *wheezing* answer that then..." I was barely able to say through the sheer pain of the bolt.

The man practically RIPPED the bolt out of me! I tryed to put my hands over the wound to stop the blood, and I had just enough enough time to mutter, "I am the Outsiders Apprentice, and I am here to get Corvo Attano's heart...."

The man then pointed his sword at my face in a downward position, lifted up the sword, and a sharp but short pain sent me into the light.


I awoke on the floor of a building, but not one I recognize. The blurry vision doesn't really help either... But regardless I eventually can see properly, but what I saw didn't really help the confusion.

I was in an office like building, with a loft up above, and a desk under the loft area. There were books all around and a red carpet on the floor. I got up and walked over to the desk area, only to find a wall of "Wanted" posters with various faces plastered onto them. One however, was not a wanted poster, it was full fledged picture of a woman named Jasmine and her picture had an "X" through it with a circle surrounding it.

Actually, all the pictures were "X"Ed out...

Except one...


Who ever lived here clearly wanted to kill him, so I thought maybe he could help me. I turned to the other side to see a few keys on a ring, and I was about to grab them when....

I heard creaking of the boards under me. Someone was COMMING into the room. I had to hide!

I quickly teleport to the stairs, and seeing the man comming to the door, I morph into a rat to stay hidden. Even though I have morphed before, it still hurts some.

Anyways, the man opened the door and walked in, and he headed to his desk. His red coat was the most interesting part of his appearance, along with the short and dark hair. Never had I seen a man so terrifying, not even the men from earlier! I had to stay cool, even though I was terrified.

I watched him for a while, then he finally said something.

"Come out. I know your here, but I don't know who you are. If you are the person I hope you are, well then, lucky me. You can't hide forever." He said quite sternly.

"Squeak!" I let out a terrified squeal, and then in an instant, he had found me, and was standing right on top of me! My only option was to become human again, even if that meant breaking cover.

My body grew back to normal size, and I was human again. I stared at the red-coated man, and I tried to speak.

"Excuse me sir, I don't mean to disturb you-."

He cut me off, "Well, you weren't the one I wanted."

I took a step back. "Sir..."

"Please, just call me Daud."

"Ok, Si-. I mean Daud."

"Good. So, I heard you gave one of my men a bit of a trouble this morning, and it nearly cost you your life. Your lucky I wanted to meet to you in person, rather than just being dumped." He dragged me into the center of the room, and then he circled me like a hound and a criminal.

I just stood there, trying not to offend him, in fear I would loose my head.

"You see, we have the same mission in hand, and I think together, we can accomplish that goal. All I need is for you to do as I say, and we can both get what we want, to kill Corvo." He paused and stared at me. "Are you in? Or will I have to hand you off to my guards?"

Keeping calm, I stated, "I'm in, I just need to know what to do."

He smiled. "Good girl. All you have to do is kill him, and have no one know. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Oh yeah," he added, "I am glad to see that we are both his friend. It makes this a whole lot easier. Well, off you go, girl that looks oddly like the Outsider. We shall meet again when the deed is done." He began to walk to the window and I walked to the door, when I turned around.

"Hey, do you happen to know where he is? And how to get out of this gross place?"

"To get out of here you have to take the sewer to the main city, and you can unlock it using this key." He turned around and tossed me the key. "And as for Corvo, I caught wind that he was last spotted near Bottle Street, which is on the edge of the main city." He tuned towards the window again. "Best of luck."

And with that, I turned around and started to walk. I looked back for a second, but he was already gone.


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