Author's Note/Prologue

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Hey! So, if you're reading this, I'm assuming that you're a fan of Once Upon a Time, like me! Or you're just super cool and wanted to read it. Either way, I like you already. :) There weren't many Rumplestiltskin FanFictions out there, and even fewer that were Rumple x Reader, so I decided to write one because of my irrational obsession with him. 

I'm going to write this story as part of a series. The other stories will most likely be x Readers with other villains, and they'll all be tied together in the end. I'm really excited to be writing these, and I hope you like them! 

See you soon, lovely reader. This chapter is extremely short; I'll have the next one uploaded soon. Enjoy the story! 

The sky was stormy, rain tearing through the air to the ground down below her. The girl, flying miles above the Earth, was pelted with raindrops. The wind against her skin was cold - so cold, it turned her skin a light blue. Still, she continued. She had to make it somewhere that they'd never find her. She'd had enough abuse and had suffered through more than necessary; now it was her turn to create a life for herself.

She beat her delicate wings harder and surged forward. The wind currents were strong, but she'd become stronger. As she flew, going faster and farther than she'd ever dared, she slowly grew, turning into a new person. As she became larger, she flew higher and higher, until she was the size of a normal human and she felt she could touch the stars.

Leaving her old life behind, she sent a small wave to her old little village, excited for the first time in ages to begin something new. 

Price To Pay (Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now