101 Ways to Say "No"

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1. Do not disturb

2. No habla inglés

3. Sure, for a million bucks

4. Ask me again later when I might care

5. Sorry, my grandma's sick

6. I vant to be alone

7. Warning: they call me the Rejectionator

8. Can you tell me the opposite of "yes"?

9. La la la la la, I can't hear you!

10. Can I put you on hold indefinitely?
11. Dr. Hellno, at your service

12. Okay, bye-bye now

13. Not in this lifetime


15. First bring me the broom of the Wicked Witch of the East

16. You must be joking

17. The Magic 8-ball says: "It appears not to be so"

18. Take a hike

19. Go away

20. You're kidding, right?

21. Easy come, easy go

22. Remember, rejection builds character

23. I'd love to if I had time

24. Give it up

25. Hasta la vista, baby

26. No way José

27. So sorry you have to go now

28. Maybe

29. Oops, there's my beeper
30. My calender is totally full

31. Sayonara

32. I'm moving out of the country

33. If only I could

34. Read my lips: NO

35. Have your people call my people


37. When pigs fly

38. Go ask your mother

39. This hurts me more than it hurts you

40. Stay out, this room has the plague

41. What part of "no" do you not understand?

42. Come on, get realization

43. This is not up for discussion

44. Get out before I call my lawyer

45. Out to lunch

46. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

47. Uh-uh

48. Well now, that's just crazy

49. Here's you hat, what's your hurry?

50. Sorry, I'm busy playing computer games

51. Let it go. Just let it go

52. You want it WHEN?
53. No-siree-Bob!

54. You can't be serious

55. Feel the No. Become the No

56. Don't make me get a restraining order

57. I need to warn you: I'm in a rotten mood

58. When hell freezes overcoming

59. Silly me, I've forgotten how to say yes!

60. Would that I could but I can't

61. Sorry, gotta wash my hair tonight

62. I gave at the office

63. I'm all tapped out


65. Listen, we all want things we can't have

67. Earthquake!!!

68. As if! Out of the question

69. Let me sleep on it

70. Hello, police?

71. I'm thinking of word... starts with "n", ends with "o"

72. Hold on while I make up an excuse

73. Don't get your hopes up

74. For subtle rejection, press 1. For complete humiliation, press 2

75. I can answer that in two letters!

76. Go ask your father


78. I was just on my way out the door

79. This town ain't big enough for the both of us

80. Naaaahhh

81. I'm afraid not

82. You've got some nerve

83. I don't believe in the "Y" word

84. Ha! Ha! Good one!

85. I admire a person that can make up their own mind

86. Please take a number, fill out these forms, and have seat

87. You only hurt the one you love

88. Na na na na, hey hey hey, goodbye

89. Adios, amigo

90. YES... NOT!

91. Your request has been denied

92. Off with your head!

93. How do I reject thee? Let me count the ways...

94. Hey, life isn't fair

95. Sorry, I only answer to a higher authority

96. Negative, like a roll of film

97. You should be thankful for what you have

98. You ludicrous request leaves me baffled

99. Maybe congress can draft a new amendment just for you

100. Forget it!


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