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" All heroes have their darkest days "

Two days later Zayla was allowed to take a shower, but of course with security. Kylo Ren knew she could use the Force on a useless security guard, but he had to see what she would do in this situation. But Zayla did nothing. She took a shower. Refused to wear the new clothes they had provided and wore the sandy Resistance pilot uniform. And then she was strapped once more, without complaints. She was quiet, and was more spaced out than focused. Was it perhaps a trick? Could she be planning an escape? No one would know.

Once the security told Kylo Ren what she had been up to-which was nothing-Kylo Ren knew she wasn't ready for Snoke. At least not mentally. That was when he could feel Snoke wanting him to discuss matters with him, about her. He sighed and put his mask on, his breathing stabilizing, and left the room, leaving the damaged black helmet of his grandfathers on the scraped up table.


She could feel his presence before he even came into the room. She shifted in the torture chair, pretending she was still sleeping. She heard his breathing from his mask, and a chair grazing quietly against the floor closer to her.

After a while he spoke, "I'm supposed to kill you."

Zayla stiffened.

Kylo Ren's breathing hitched and Zayla heard the lightsaber take action, bleeding from the metal. There was a long pause, as Zayla waited for her death to come while she "slept."

Zayla, thinking this was the last time she would hear something in this world listened intentionally, Kylo's breathing stopped and he spoke with regret and disappointment, "But I can't."


Okay first off I am so so so sorry for the shortest chapter in this universe. I am so busy this weekend and I had to at least put one chapter in this book! So here it is...and again sorry that it's so short and crappy. May the Force be with you.

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